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Title 95年度資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導、審查、勾稽暨系統提昇計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的為審查、輔導公告指定責任業者登記、例行申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費等相關作業、95年底前達成上網申報總家次至少8,000家次、規劃疑似短漏報之電子化勾稽作業制度、以94年所建置之營業量管理系統為基礎,提昇自動勾稽、查詢及決策分析資料、檢討現行繳費、審查制度,落實簡政便民及提高管理效率的精神。並在工作期程內完成公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、公告指定責任業者登記、申報及繳費核帳等作業輔導、審查及建檔、統計報表提報作業、公告指定責任業者營業量管理系統建置、更新及維護、應回收廢棄物營業量申報系統建置更新及維護及辦理相關業者說明會等工作項目。責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃,本計畫已於95年度完成的項目有:八大基金管理方式合併或分別管理之優劣點比較分析、加強推動責任業者網際網路申報作業規劃、網路申報後續罰則訂定及法規修正規劃及責任業者年度申報法規修正規劃等。系統建置、更新及維護作業部份,包含營業量管理系統、責任業者網際網路申報系統及營業量內控作業系統之更新及維護,95年度新開發之功能包含電子郵件系統自動發送功能、電子化勾稽系統、法務資料管理系統、查核資料匯入後關檔功能、異地備援方案、線上登記系統、說明會線上報名系統、責任業者電話諮詢紀錄及申請廢止登記審核輔導紀錄系統更新等,務使營業量管理系統更能發揮強大的功能。本計畫已於95年8月至9月期間為順利推動營業量網路申報作業,針對尚未使用網路申報業者辦理相關說明會,共計13場次,責任業者對於說明會的內容、政令宣導及網際網路營業量申報繳費作業等均表示高度肯定,另本計畫亦於95年4至5月完成專案式到戶輔導作業共31家,95年11月完成集中式之到戶輔導作業共71家,有效解決業者在網際網路營業量申報繳費作業上所遇到之困難,順利完成申報繳費作業,達成本計畫目標。為確保公告指定責任業者營業量書面申報資料審查建檔、核/銷帳及歸檔、報表提報及系統開發維護等工作之品質及進度合乎要求,本團隊每2個月進行乙次內部稽核作業,目前已完成至95年第6期,並針對營業量計畫駐署人員績效考評,提高管理效率的精神。
EngTitle Project of the Guidance and Auditing for Resource Recycling Business Reporting and Management System Upgrades and Maintenance in Year 2006
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to complete the following agenda: guiding the target businesses to register as responsible parties and report their operation conditions and pay the disposal charges; mandate at least 8,000 responsible parties to report data online; planning electronic auditing system to inspect short-reporting based on the information from operation quantity management system established in year 2005. The functionality of the auditing and inquiry system will be upgraded and more analysis will come out to make policy amendment referral. The existing disposal charge payment mechanism and responsible parties’ reporting data are reviewed to make the system more convenient to the user and raise the management effects. Also the project proposal includes the following objectives: the planning and reviewing of the overall reporting mechanism; registering the target businesses as “responsible parties”; guiding, auditing, and filing of the responsible parties’ registration, data reporting, and disposal charge payment; regularly making statistic data report; establishing, updating, and maintaining the responsible parties’ operation quantity management system and mandated recyclable resources quantity reporting system, and holding training symposium. All the objectives were completed within the required period of time. The completed project items for planning and reviewing of the online reporting mechanism for responsible parties in year 2006 are: analyze the benefit and weakness incurred by merging or separating the management of eight funds, reviewing of the mandatory internet reporting mechanism and suggesting its corresponding enforcement measures along with regulatory amendment. Annual reporting regulatory amendment for responsible parties is also reviewed. The system establishment, update, and maintenance include operation management system, responsible parties online reporting system, and internal operation system. In year 2006, functions are newly developed including the followings: electronic mail automatic sending function, electronic auditing system, regulatory information management system, post-closure function after data are imported, information back-up planning, online registering system, online symposium registering system, responsible parties’ phone call consulting recording and update of registration abolishment recording system for responsible parties. These systems combined together to make the operation management system more powerful than ever. To promote better online reporting for responsible parties, there were 13 symposiums completed in August and September in year 2006. Participants were highly satisfied with the symposium content, policy propagation, and online report system. On-site training services were offered to 31 responsible parties individually and 71 responsible parties collectively in November, year 2006. These symposiums and services assisted participants understand how to make online reporting, resolving their difficulties during overall reporting, and completely achieved the goal of this project. To ensure the paper reporting auditing and filing, responsible parties’ accounting information recording, report making, and system development and maintenance are proceeding within the proposed schedule and all the items are meeting the quality control requirement, the project executive team have internal auditing conducted bimonthly. This internal auditing carried out from the beginning of the project until 6th term in year 2006. Another auditing was performed aiming at the contracting staffs’ work performances. The aforementioned auditing raised the overall management efficiency.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司