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Title 毒性化學物質安全管理策略規劃及減量評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作包含「參考先進國家及國際公約管理機制,規劃毒化物管理策略」、「目的用途調查與危害評析檢討,實施運作場所臨場輔導」、「推動源頭減量及輔導減量;探討氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷危害及防治;執行壬基酚及石綿減量輔導與實施運作場所臨場輔導」及「蒐集國際有關用途管制法規及資訊,評估禁限用相關措施」等四大項,主要工作成果摘要說明如下:一、參考先進國家及國際公約管理機制,規劃毒化物管理策略(一)本年度邀集學者專家組成「整體策略規劃小組」,辦理完成四場次會議,並於會議中完成下列各項工作內容之討論與審查:1.毒化物危害資訊之鑑定2.毒化物之風險簡介內容及所需提供之資料3.毒化物之社會經濟報告及所需考慮之社會經濟4.全國毒化物管理策略之整體評估(二)參考「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約」附件E之架構建立「毒性化學物質風險簡介」,將附件E之項目(六)內容修改為「風險說明」,強化附件E之項目(七)內容,並加入國內法規說明。在基本資料方面,將以環保署「毒性化學物質諮詢委員會」之相關資料為主,不再另行蒐集,以遵循統一版本。本計畫已完成多氯聯苯(00101 PCB)、汞(02201)、鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(06801 DEHP)及壬基酚(NP)等四種毒化物之風險簡介。(三)參考「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約」附件F建立「編訂毒化物質之社會經濟報告」目錄架構,並參考其實施指導文件:「關於依照『斯德哥爾摩公約』制訂與執行國家實施計畫所涉社會經濟評估指南(草案)」之內容,摘要說明社會經濟評估所應考量之執行方式與擬訂社會經濟評估應考慮之項目。(四)以公告之許可目的用途與目前核發之許可證核發資料進行比對,可發現在目前已公告之123類列管編號包含180種毒化物,總計1412種毒化物用途組合中,有96%以上國內無相關製程,82%以上國內無相關輸入紀錄。二、目的用途調查與危害評析檢討,實施運作場所臨場輔導:(一)針對毒化物管理資料庫內容進行篩選核對及分析,確認實際申報之運作之目的用途。(二)選定運作量較大之10種毒化物包括:石綿、環氧乙烷、環氧氯丙烷、苯、氯乙烯、鉻化砷酸銅、甲基第三丁基醚、鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯、鄰苯二甲酐、丙烯醇,已於10月5日完成10種選定毒化物之減量輔導行程,每場次2位學者專家參與。(三)除了鉻化砷酸銅及鄰苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯外,其餘8種毒化物均無適當之替代產品,以降低毒化物之使用量。(四)毒化物許可用途禁止、限制使用之相關討論、座談或說明會至少6場次,已完成2場次,6月26日辦理石綿圓桌會議1場次,10月24日於宜蘭辦理法規說明會1場次,12月6日於高雄縣辦理法規說明會2場次,12月13日於新竹縣辦理法規說明會2場次。三、推動源頭減量及輔導減量;探討氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷危害及防治;執行壬基酚及石綿減量輔導與實施運作場所臨場輔導:(一)完成蒐集彙整氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷之生產(如原料、製程)、使用(如相關產品)、污染物之排放及危害防治策略,並著手建立生命週期評估氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷之執行架構。(二)以問卷調查方式,針對國內113家壬基酚運作廠商之運作數量及運作目的進行調查,回收44份,其中23家有運作,21家無運作,問卷回收率38.94%;追蹤未回報廠商,16家無運作生產,業者運作情況掌握率為53.1%。(三)辦理石綿及壬基酚運作場所減量輔導:已完成6場次減量輔導;經由壬基酚及壬基酚聚乙氧基醇運作單位現場輔導訪查,已有業者停止生產或使用替代產品進行自發性減量工作。提升壬基酚聚乙氧基醇替代產品之效能與降低其價格,將有助於壬基酚聚乙氧基醇之減量;已有業者研發新製程來停止石綿之使用,故以非石綿產品取代石綿產品應屬可行。石綿替代產品之發展性與其消費市場競爭力息息相關,將關係石綿產品之減量成效。(四)辦理石綿國際研討會:已於6月28日台北市福華文教會館,辦理一場次白石綿國際研討會,並邀請加拿大及日本之專家學者,針對石綿禁限用議題進行探討,據以做為後續相關政策推動之參考。四、蒐集國際有關用途管制法規及資訊,評估禁限用相關措施:(一)蒐集並審查雙酚A及砷化氫毒理、物理及化學特性等相關資料後,經由毒性化學物質篩選原則確認表依法規規定逐項確認評估審查,雙酚A及砷化氫現階段審查結論為依目前資料無法判斷是否列管,皆建議列入追蹤名單。(二)計畫執行期間,協助環保署毒管處辦理多項即時性的業務,統計至10月17日完成交辦事項共計46件。(三)成立內部品管審查委員會,包含預審期中及期末報告初稿,合計辦理三場次之內部品管審查委員會諮詢會議。(四)完成石綿、鉻化砷酸銅、全氟羧酸化合物、壬基酚等化學物質之議題資料蒐集彙整與回應。(五)計畫成果電子檔資料依項目類別建置於網頁資料中。(六)完成下列法規更新:美國TSCA、美國EPCRA、歐盟REACH、歐盟76/769/EEC、加拿大CEPA、加拿大NPRI、日本化審法、日本毒劇法、全球調和制度GHS、斯德哥爾摩公約、巴塞爾公約。五、辦理台美殺蟲劑管理與焚化爐灰渣處理國際研討會已於11月28日至12月2日協助辦理完成台美殺蟲劑管理與焚化爐灰渣處理國際研討會。
EngTitle The strategic planning and reduction assessment of toxic chemicals management
EngAbstract The main work of this project includes “Consult the management mechanism of advanced country and international convention, plan the management framework of toxic substance”, “Investigate the purpose and utilization as well as review and analyze the hazard, implement the field guidance at the operation place”, “Promote source reduction and guide the reduction, study the hazard and control of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine, execute the guidance for reduction of nonyl phenol and asbestos and implement the field guidance at the operation place” and “Collect relevant international relevant utilization and control regulations and information, assess relevant measures of restriction”. The major work achievement is summarized as follows: Consult the management mechanism of advanced country and international convention, plan the management framework of toxic substance: Invite scholars and experts to make up “Total Framework Planning Team” in this year, four sessions of meeting have to be completed, and the following contents of work have been discussed and examined in the meeting: Characterization for the hazardous information of toxic substance Content for the introduction on the risk of toxic substance and the information needed to be submitted Report on social economy of toxic substance and social economy needed to be considered Total assessment for the management framework of toxic substance in the whole country Consult the Annex E of “Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutant” to set up “Introduction on the Risk of Toxic Chemical Substance”. Revise the content of Item (6) of Annex E into “Risk Description”, strengthen the content of Item (7) of Annex E, and add the description of domestic regulations. As for basic information, the relevant information of “Toxic Chemical Substance Consulting Committee” of Environmental Protection Administration will be used as the unified edition without collecting other information. The “Risk Introduction” of polychlorinated biphenyl (00101 PCB), mercury (02201), di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate (06801 DEHP) and nonyl phenol (NP) has been completed in this project. Consult the Annex F of “Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutant” to set up the content scheme of “Edit the Report on Social Economy of Toxic Substance”, and consult its guidance directive: According to the assessment guidance of social economy (draft) specified in “Stockholm Convention”, illustrate the execution way and items required to be considered by the assessment of social economy. Upon checking the permitted purpose of utilization and the information of permit, it is found that 180 kinds of toxic substance have been already announced in 123 restricted substances. In 1412 combinations of toxic substance, over 96% of them does not have relevant manufacturing permit, and over 82% of them does not have relevant import permit. It is judged that it may not reach the operation basis of large amount, so only the registration documents and permit documents of local competent authority are applied. Investigate the purpose and utilization as well as review and analyze the hazard, implement the field guidance at the operation place: Screen, check and analyze the content of toxic substance management database, and confirm the purpose use for the operation of actual reporting. Select 10 kinds of toxic substance with relatively high operating amount, which include asbestos, ethylene oxide, epichlorohydrine, benzene, vinyl chlorine, chromated copper arsenate, methyl tert-butyl ether, di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate, phthalic anhydride, and allyl alcohol. The guidance session for the reduction of these 10 kinds of toxic substance has already been finished by October 5, and 2 scholars or experts participate in every session. Except the chromated copper arsenate and di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate, there are no suitable substitution products for other 8 kinds of toxic substance, to reduce the utilization amount of toxic substance. 6 sessions of seminar, symposium and demonstration meeting for the restriction of toxic substance have been held. A round table meeting for asbestos was held on June 26. A regulation demonstration meeting was held in Yielan on October 24. Two regulation demonstration meetings were held in Kaohsiung County on November 6. Two regulation demonstration meetings were held in Hsinchu County on November 13. Promote source reduction and guide the reduction, study the hazard and control of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine, execute the guidance for reduction of nonyl phenol and asbestos and implement the field guidance at the operation place: Finish the collection of the production (such as raw material, process), discharge of pollutant and hazard control framework of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine, and create the execution scheme for the assessment of life cycle of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine. The questionnaires were sent to 113 nonyl phenol operation firms to investigate their operation amount and operation purpose. 44 questionnaires were recovered, wherein 23 firms were operating and 21 firms were not operating. The recovery rate was 38.94%. As for other firms, 16 firms were not operating. About 53.1% of firms were under control. Conduct the reduction guidance for nonyl phenol and asbestos at the operation place: 6 sessions of reduction guidance have been completed. After field investigation, some firms have stopped the production of nonyl phenol and nonyl phenol polyethoxy alcohol or used the substitution product to reduce the amount. When the performance of substitution product is raised and the price is reduced, it will assist the reduction of nonyl phenol polyethoxy alcohol. Some firms have developed new process without using the asbestos, so it will be feasible to use non-asbestos product to substitute asbestos product. The development for the substitution product of asbestos has close relationship to its competitiveness in the consuming market, and it will affect the reduction efficiency of asbestos product. Conduct “Chrysotile International Scientific Workshop”: The “Chrysotile International Scientific Workshop” was held in Taipei Howard International House on June 28. The Canadian and Japanese experts and scholars were invited to discuss the restriction topics of asbestos. The information will be used as the reference for the follow-up of relevant policy. Collect relevant international relevant utilization and control regulations and information, assess relevant measures of restriction: After collecting and reviewing the toxicity, physical and chemical properties of bisphenol A and arsine, it is not able to determine whether bisphenol A and arsine should be restricted according to the screening principle of toxic chemical substance specified in the regulations, and it is recommended to put them into the tracking list During the execution of project, help the Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management, Environmental Protection Administration to deal with many instant businesses, and 49 items of work were completed by November 15. Establish the internal quality control review committee, to review the preliminary draft of mid-term and final report, and 3 sessions of consulting meeting were held for the internal quality control review committee. Finish to collect and respond the information of asbestos, chromated copper arsenate, total fluorine carboxylic compound, and nonyl phenol etc. Put the electronic information of the achievement into the webpage in accordance with the project classification. Finish the update of the following regulations: USA TSCA, USA EPCRA, European Union REACH, European Union 76/769/EEC, Canada CEPA, Canada NPRI, Japan Chemical Review Act, Japan Toxic Substance Act, the Global Harmonization System GHS, the Stockholm Convention, the Basel Convention. Hold the “Pesticides Management and Ash Treatment International Workshop”: Help to hold the “Pesticides Management and Ash Treatment International Workshop” from November 28 to December 2.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司