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Title 購物袋及免洗餐具限制使用後續推動計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為落實源頭減量精神,故持續推動購物用塑膠回收再利用工作、機關及大專院校於內用禁止使用各類免洗餐具及限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用政策,並進行已列管對象使用現況及減量調查。另針對PVC袋膜類產品評估管制措施及建議與配套措施規劃,本計畫執行完成之工作內容包括:自95年5月1日起陸續開始試辦塑膠袋回收試辦計畫, 14個縣市總計回收廢塑膠袋2,043,372公斤。參考韓國塑膠包材分年減量之方式協助制訂限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用政策公告草案,以訂定量販店及超級市場使用之塑膠類托盤及包裝盒每年25%之減量目標。依調查結果顯示,在購物用塑膠袋部分,推估整體限制使用對象個數減量率為58.37%,重量減量率為79.75%;因此整體購物袋個數減量使用53.52%。在塑膠類免洗餐具部分,個數與重量減量率分別為85.53%與81.26%,但整體免洗餐具使用個數仍呈現減少1.39%,重量增加13.08%,顯示本政策之推動仍有達成減少使用免洗餐具之效用。經蒐集國內PVC袋膜類產業狀況,針對四類PVC袋膜類產品,其中家用保鮮膜、PVC塑膠袋因產業衝擊之因素;PVC卡片類因產品接受度及產業衝擊之因素,較不可行,而以飲料瓶標籤類之可行性較高,故建議可優先管制。
EngTitle Shopping bag and disposable dishes use restriction program
EngAbstract In order to achieve the source reduction goal, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) continues to promote the recycling and reuse of shopping plastics, forbid the use of various disposal tableware within government agencies and public and private schools, restrict the use of plastic tray and packing box policy, and investigate the current condition of use and reduction for the controlled subjects. Besides, the control measures and suggestion as well as the supplementary measures concerning PVC bag and film products are assessed. The contents of work completed in this plan include:The trial plastic bag recycling program has been implemented in 15 cities and counties since May 1, 2006. The total of 14 cities and counties has recovered 2,043,372 kilograms of waste plastic bags by November 30.Consulting the annual reduction way of plastic packing material in Korea to help stipulate the draft of “Plastic Tray and Packing Box Use Restriction Policy”, the goal is to reduce 25% of plastic tray and packing box used in mass merchants and supermarkets every year.As for the plastic shopping bags, the investigation result shows the number reduction rate is 58.37%, the weight reduction rate is 79.75%, so the number reduction rate of whole shopping bags is 53.52%. As for the plastic disposable tableware, the number and weight reduction rate is 85.53% and 81.26%, respectively. But the consumption number of whole disposable tableware reduces 1.39%, the weight increases 13.08%. It shows the implementation of this policy still has the efficacy to reduce the use of disposable tableware.After collecting the industrial situation of domestic PVC bag and film industry, four kinds of PVC bag and film products are studied. Among them, home plastic wrap and PVC bag are not feasible due to the impact of industry. PVC card is not feasible due to the acceptance degree of product and the impact of industry. The feasibility of beverage bottle label is higher, so it is suggested to be controlled in priority.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司