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Title 以藻類去除水體氮磷技術評估及調查計畫
Abstract 台灣中南部河川,在無污染或輕度污染的淺流河川,絲狀藻各季節均有出現,豐富度很大,尤其是剛毛藻屬,其次是水綿屬,微孢藻屬出現機率較少,污染嚴重之河段不會出現。經初步勘查,台灣中部鯉魚潭水庫以南至屏東牡丹水庫之各水庫上游,各河道不同季節大量滋生附著性大型絲狀藻,此類底棲藻類在低營養鹽濃度河水中,生長良好且可收穫,是一種良好的濕地植物,因此有進一步研究之價值,為瞭解其營養鹽之去除速率及藻類之生長環境等。本研究調查第一部分選擇南部水庫之上游河道,針對此類大型附著性絲狀藻之種類和相對豐富度,以及單位面積之生物量和其季節性變化及棲息環境等的調查與分析,並對其特性、生活史及形態做研究,以做為進一步探討其作為水體中去除氮磷營養之植物可行性之評估。第二部分進行大型附著性絲狀藻藻床生態工法(程)之研究,包括底棲藻床模型場之建構,附著性藻類之生長速率,N、P營養源去除效率之實驗,藻床生態工法(程)實場設計參數之探討,及其去除功效之評估。第三部分則進行附著性絲狀藻體之收穫與利用之研究,至收穫方式、處理方法、藻體組成、結構特性等之研究,及探討其可能之利用。第四部分則利用衛星遙測技術估計集水區之土地利用與非點源之控制,發展適當的系統,整合衛星遙測技術與集水區污染源之管理,並試執行集水區污染物預估、集水區之邊界確定、污染量之推估及展示之功能。第五部分是利用衛星遙測技術監測評估水庫之優養情形,由衛星遙測資料研究水庫優養情形之空間分佈、優養狀態指數包括葉綠素a的濃度、無機性懸浮微粒及有色溶解性有機物,整合衛星遙測技術應用合成優養情形之空間分佈,並討論評估可行之工具及方法。
EngTitle A study of macroalgae in Headwater of Reservoirs: Distribution investigation and Studies of Nutrient Uptake Capacities.
EngAbstract Filamentous algae can be found in all seasons in rivers that originate in the central-south region of Taiwan, including unpolluted or mildly polluted shallow rivers. These algae are highly abundant, especially Cladophora and Spirogyra is the second most abundant, but Microspora is less observed and is not found in severely polluted river regions. A preliminary study showed that the upstream river channels of various dams, from south of the Liyutan Dam in central Taiwan, to Mudam Dam in Pintung, experience massive growth of attached large filamentous algae in different seasons. Benthic algae grows well in low nutrient rivers and can be harvested; it is a good wetland plant. Therefore, further study of its nutrient eliminating speed and the living environment of the algae would be worthwhile. In the part1 of the study, we choused river channels from the upstream side of southern dams to do investigation and analysis on species of attached large filamentous algae and their relative abundance, their biomass and its seasonal variation, and the algae’s habitat. The characteristics, living history and morphology of the algae also were studied, to evaluate the feasibility of eliminating plants for nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients. In the part2, algal bed ecological engineering of attached large filamentous algae was investigated, including discussions on the model construction of benthic algal beds, the growth rate of attached algae, the elimination rate of nitrogen and phosphorus sources, the actual variable on the practical design of algal bed ecological engineering, and evaluation of the effectiveness of elimination. In the part3, the harvesting and uses of attached filamentous algae were analyzed. Moreover, the method of harvesting and processing, the algal composition, and their structural characters were analyzed to discuss possible utilization of the algae. A remote satellite sensing-based method of reservoir watershed pollution was undertaken to study the spatial distribution of point and non-point pollution condition in reservoir watershed. This study, the prototype performs the mechanical function to identify appropriate point and non-point pollution, watershed boundaries, prepare the pollutants data, and visualize the results. A remote satellite sensing-based method of reservoir eutrophication was undertake to study the spatial distribution of eutrophication conditions in reservoir environment. A trophic state index include chlorophyll a concentration, non-algal particles (NAP) and colors dissolved organic matter (CDOM). A remote satellite sensing overlay technique was applied to synthesize the information into a final map illustrating the spatial distribution of eutrophication conditions within the study area. The different tools and methods associated with reservoir eutrophicartion assessment using rensing were discussed.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立成功大學環境研究中心