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Title 大氣中奈米微粒濃度監測與成分分析計畫
Abstract 本計畫為一配合國內環境、勞安、衛生(ESH)三部門整合性計畫之一環,由環保署負責環境中暴露風險及管理,衛生署進行奈米微粒對健康風險評估,勞委會針對職場勞工健康、製程安全進行研究,共同打造一個負責任的奈米科技研發環境。希望透過此計畫對於大氣中奈米微粒監測與成分分析的工作有更進一步的認識,並逐步健全奈米微粒風險管理制度。計畫內容包括:(1)建立大氣中奈米微粒濃度即時監測技術,實際監測奈米粉體工廠周界及背景地區;(2)以大氣擴散模式模擬奈米粉體工廠附近地區之奈米微粒濃度分佈情形,並以實際量測值校正模式;(3)進行大氣中奈米微粒成分分析,以了解奈米微粒之成長轉換機制,並探討污染源貢獻比例;與(4)將上述量測所得之結果進行成果推廣及技術轉移,以提供衛生署之生醫專家進行後續暴露與生物之測試研究等。本計畫之執行共為期十個月,除了圓滿達成上述所訂的目標外,並初步建立了奈米微粒、次微米微粒之採樣與即時監測標準作業程序;ISCST3大氣擴散模式的模擬則驗證了該方法的可行性。此外,本研究證明了以LA-ICP-MS定量分析利用ELPI收集的極細微粒、細微粒與粗微粒的可行性;利用本研究所發展的標準品製備方法,使得空氣粒塵中元素濃度即使低於奈克/m3,也能有效的予以定量分析。本研究所發展的分析方法可以進一步用來評估地區性的污染排放對大氣承載的直接衝擊。所得數據顯示:地區性的工業活動的確明顯地影響大氣中奈米金屬微粒如:Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, As 與V等的濃度分布。研究結果發現:無法以傳統的碳分析技術定量分析ELPI分階奈米微粒的有機或無機碳成分,但SEM/EDX可以提供其他主要成份的相關資料,並詳細說明其可能的形狀與表徵。也可以利用傳統的IC分析技術測定奈米微粒樣品中的陰離子成分與含量,但濾紙樣品秤重的問題,仍有待克服
EngTitle The monitoring and composition analysis of nanoparticles in the atmosphere
EngAbstract This project is an organizational project collaborating with different categories including the environment, safety, and health (ESH). With the environmental protection administration evaluating the risk and management from environment, the department of health being responsible for the assessment of health risks from nanoparticles, and the counsel of labor afairs researching on the health and safety of labors, a responsible nanotechnology research institute can be constructed. Through this project, it is expected that the understanding of nanoparticles monitoring and composition analysis is advanced, and an inclusive nanoparticle risk management system can be built. The contents of this project includes: (1) establishing real-time monitoring technique to estimate the concentration of nano-particles in the atmosphere; (2) using ISCST3 model to simulate the distribution of concentrations of nano sized ZnO particles near the atmosphere of a ZnO production factory, and comparing with the actual monitoring data; (3) analyzing the chemical composition of nano-particles in the atmosphere, and estimating the formation/conversion mechanism of these particles; and (4) introducing the developed analytical technique as well as obtained data to the department of health or related organizations for further exposure or bio-medical studies. All above objectives have been successively achieved within ten months. A standard operation procedure about sampling and real-time monitoring of nano-, sub-micro and micro- airborne particles has been established; The simulation of ISCST3 validates the application feasibility of this model. It is also proved that LA-ICP-MS can be used to analyze the nano-, sub-micro and micro- airborne particles collected respectively by ELPI. The obtained data shows that chemical as well as physical characteristic of nano-particles in the atmosphere can be investigated to satisfy the needs of environmental, safety and health as well.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系