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Title 水污染源科學儀器設備及蒐證系統民間機構協力處理合作計畫
Abstract 以往之稽查大都採勤查重罰,其功能在於嚇阻不法以保障守法,並確實督導業者設置廢水處理設施以符合法令規定,現在業者廢水處理設施大都已設置,但正常操作時需花錢而不操作卻可省錢,因此造成稽查人員疲於奔命,目前除稽查人員專業素質要求提升外,有能力執行功能評鑑及查證污染改善之程度(查出不法),或透過協談改善等都是必要手段。此外,爲查獲廠商非法偷排之證據,稽查人員常需花許多時間與油錢搜證,而降低稽查處分效率。行政院環境保護署為落實水污染防治管理工作,乃遴選顧問機構辦理「水污染源科學儀器設備及蒐證系統民間機構協力處理合作計畫」,期望運用民間專業人力,運用科學稽查儀器設備,積極對重點工廠水污染源進行稽查管制,以徹底掌握工廠廢水處理情形,蒐集非法偷排證據,以提升稽查處分效率。計畫執行期間依據技佳公司所擬定之「水污染源科學稽查儀器設備及蒐證系統稽查標準作業程序」執行環保單位所提重點廠商查核,查核項目包含現場查核及廢水處理設施合理性分析作業,據以研判推定偷排情形,針對有環保犯罪之虞者,進一步以專業污染蒐證技術及先進儀器使用,進行污染源追蹤及查察、水質連續監測工作,與事業污染事證蒐集及保全作業,以最迅速、最有效方式調查污染證據,針對有污染事實之事業單位進一步通報環保機關執行稽查及採樣,取得污染直接證據,以遂行公權力。
EngTitle The folk organization unites processing cooperation plan of the water pollution scientific instrument and certificate system
EngAbstract In the past, the common methods of the water pollution controlprogram are incessant pollution audits and heavy fines. The purpose is todeter from lawlessness and to ensure polluters conforming to theregulations on the establishment of waste water treatment facilities.Seemingly, although most polluters nowadays have established waste watertreatment facilities, many of them are not in operation. The reason is simple,PDF 檔案以 "pdfFactory Pro" 試用版建立 www.pdffactory.comII“cost saving”. Hence, illicit discharges to the water bodies that cause waterpollution are often seen. The Environmental Protection Administration ofTaiwan (EPA, Taiwan) consequently requires to advance the skills of theinvestigation personnel to effectively locate illicit discharges, toprofessionally perform waste water treatment facility functionalexamination, and to successfully collect material evidence of theproprietors. In addition, polluters vary in scales, types and location. Hence,it is often required huge human resources and administrative costs tocorrespond to each cause.To successfully tackle these problems and difficulties, theenvironmental protection bodies would need enhanced methods andadvanced scientific equipments to assist in investigation works. For thisreason, Environmental Protection Administration Taiwan (EPA, Taiwan)cooperated with BT Environmental Consulting Ltd. to carry out a waterpollution control project, “Scientific Equipments and Evidence CollectionSystem to Aid Water Pollution Source Investigation Project of 2007”. Thepurpose of the project is to anticipate the use of scientific technology totrack down polluters more effectively and correctly.During the execution of the project, BT Environmental Consulting Ltdfollowed the guideline and the standard operating procedure of waterpollution source investigation using the scientific technology set by theEPA Taiwan. The investigation tasks that BT Environmental Consultingexecuted in the project included waste water treatment facility functionalanalysis and examination, polluters tracking, scientific technologyapplication, 24 hours uninterrupted pollution monitoring, and pollutionevidence collection. Once polluters were identified and evidences werecollected, BT Environmental Consulting would forward the polluters to theEPA for further prosecution and penalty.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司