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Title 高高屏總量管制制度建置推動及細懸浮微粒策略分析專案
Abstract 本計畫分三大重點1.推動既存污染源自願性參與差額排放量認可及保留試行計畫,並進行產業登錄、抵換交易及排放量查核模擬2.研擬我國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制架構與推動方向;3.協助縣市空氣污染防制整體規劃與績效管理考評作業、網頁維護及其他相關行政業務。推動既存污染源自願性參與差額排放量認可及保留試行計畫,並進行產業登錄、抵換交易及排放量查核模擬:(一)完成既存固定污染源排放量基線認可與指定削減準則及差額認可保留抵換及交易管理辦法兩項草案。(二)草擬既存固定污染源自願參與試行計畫之申請、審核、查核與核發認可之相關作業程序、表單文件格式及參考技術指引,並試行100家公私場所差額排放量及減量潛勢分析、排放交易模擬系統建置,及完成30家模擬結果分析。分析結果顯示,近5成7業者均不願意釋出差額排放量,導致交易成本接近平均防制成本1.5~2倍左右。(三)分析國內大型開發案對空氣品質之影響衝擊結果顯示,現階段管制尚無法有效抑制污染增量。短期因應方案規劃以加嚴空氣污染物容許增量限值及落實新增開發案環評審查,中長期規劃以修改空氣污染法第6條至第12條有關防制區及總量管制相關條文,擴大各類污染源之保留抵換交易規定及減量認可查核規範,以達成有效改善空氣品質之目標。研擬我國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制架構與推動方向部份:(一)蒐集美國、加拿大、歐盟、日本等國家及世界衛生組織(WHO)資料,彙整分析細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)之各國法令制定、管制規範及相關空氣品質標準,研擬我國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)之管制策略建議及規劃納入空氣品質指標(Air Quality Index,AQI)推動期程。(二)彙整分析國內細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測資料,若在無相關PM2.5管制策略配套下,比照美國現行AQI指標系統(稱AQI_40),將使AQI>100比例達33%,約為目前國內PSI>100比例(約5.2%)的6.4倍,需進一步評估我國空氣品質指標AQI取代PSI的可行性。(三)研擬建置我國本土性之細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)污染排放資料庫,及規劃細懸浮微粒之防制效率調查、防制技術引進與研發等相關作業,以提高未來管制策略推動之成效。協助縣市空氣污染防制整體規劃與績效管理考評作業、網頁維護及其他相關行政業務:依照95年8月地方考評作業檢討會議,空污技術諮詢委員均認為應強化地方空氣污染防制計畫之定位及規劃內容,本計畫綜合歸納委員意見後,提出96年縣市訂修空氣污染防制計畫重點,提供縣市參考。
EngTitle Implementing Kaoping airbasin Cap & Trade System and Control Strategy Analysis for Fine Particulate matter
EngAbstract There are three major work items within this project - (1) to Promote Cap and Trade pilot program, (2) to draft PM2.5 management framework, (3) to help reviewing local authority’s work and relative administrative work. The major accomplishments of first work:(1)Complete two draft management regulations which relate to setup emission baseline and reduction target for designated stationary sources, and administrative procedures of ETS (Emission Trading system).(2)Count up potential reduction from 100 chosen stationary sources, and complete trading simulation analysis involving 30 stationary sources hypothetic emission trading scheme. The result shows that almost 57% of stationary sources reluctant to sell out their ERCs (Emission Reduction Credit), and trading costs around 1.5 ~ 2 times of control costs.(3)After assessing air quality impact from recent major industry developing case, it shows that there are limited control elements to constrain emission increment. To combat these situations, we propose short-term strategies and long-term strategies. Short-term strategies are to strengthen PSD value and EIA review, long-term strategies are to amend Air Pollution Control Act on order to expand authority to manage the emission increment of mobile sources and agriculture open fire.The major accomplishments of second work: (1)From gathering PM2.5 related research document and government control status from overseas, this project comes up with draft recommendations of national PM2.5 control strategies, and promotion schedules to include PM2.5 as an pollution index in AQI.Besides above works, we establish SIP draft guidance for local authority, and maintain EPA air pollution control division’s homepage and the contents update
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司