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Title 南投縣九十五年度公私場所臭味及禁止露天燃燒管制及改善計畫
Abstract 有關本年度「公私場所臭味及禁止露天燃燒管制及改善計畫」,執行期程為95年4月21日至96年1月31日止,計畫成果如下:一、巡查管制作業為有效落實惡臭味管制作業成效,對於管制作業依據性質類別分為主動的一般性巡查、專案性巡查(輔導改善追蹤)及協助陳情案件查察。而露天燃燒具有時效性,除了一般性巡查作業與協助機動處理民眾陳情案件外,配合稻作收成季節加強巡查稻作種植區域露天燃燒案件。本計畫執行巡查管制作業初步執行成果所尋獲露天燃燒污染點共計有423處,其中包含例行性主動巡查386處、協助民眾露天燃燒陳情案件查處37處,目前由例行性主動巡查以草屯鎮尋獲之件數最多,計有116處,佔主動巡查作業發現之總露天燃燒污染點之67.4%;其次為南投市及竹山鎮。協助陳情處理共計37處,其中有14處未發現燃燒事實。惡臭味管制作業共協助執行208件臭味巡查案件,其中以南投市之比例最高,計有71處,佔巡查作業之35.3%;其次為名間鄉及草屯鎮,顯示南投市、名間鄉及草屯鎮是巡獲惡臭數量最高的行政區域。二、臭味源採樣檢測作業本計畫執行期間將針對特定臭味污染源進行10點次之臭味採樣分析,採樣對象包括重大陳情案件及稽查案件,樣品則委託合格之檢測公司(琨鼎環境科技股份有限公司,環署環檢字號第042號)依三點比較式嗅袋法(NIEA A201.10A)進行分析。本計畫配合環保局選定10處次公私場所污染源(具代表性、陳情人指定位置),進行綜合臭氧濃度(三點比較式嗅袋法)檢測,其中6點為環保局重大陳情檢測另外4點為臭味稽查檢測,檢測結果顯示其中有6件樣品超過法規標準,對於不符法規標準之事業單位已進行輔導改善或進行告發處分。三、宣導作業本計畫執行期間提供發佈新聞稿8則,於第一、二期稻作期間執行14日廣播宣導勿露天燃燒,執行有線電視插播式字幕(跑馬燈)連續播放7天,製作廣告夾報400份及巡查人員於巡查輔導時發送宣導手冊。本年度共辦理四場次公開宣導說明會,其中包含兩場次非露天燃燒處理技術宣導說明會、一場次臭味源改善處理技術宣導說明會及一場次畜牧業輔導座談會,會議中特別邀請相關學者專家進行專題演講,藉以讓與會人員能對目前相關法令、處理技術有新的認識。四、露天燃燒污染減量綜合本計畫阻止露天燃燒污染量削減總效益推估,包含一般廢棄物露天燃燒,撲滅後剩餘物料83,700公斤、及農業廢棄物露天燃燒的撲滅後剩餘物料估計約為75,220公斤。經由排放量推估公式計算可得到各類污染物削減效益,各污染削減量推估總懸浮微粒(TSP)削減1,221.96公斤、PM10削減945.56公斤、SOx削減9.41公斤、NOx削減360.05公斤、CO削減10,651.51公斤、THC削減1,469.76公斤與NMHC削減1,048.33公斤。
EngTitle The plan promotes pollution controlling and improving for public and private stink polluting and open burning.
EngAbstract This plan promotes noxious material burning pollution control and improved burn plans for public and private open burning for this year. The following issues remain from the Cheng plan from January 31, 2007.First, patrol and manage the manufacturingThe objective is a prescription and plan for effective non-polluting open area rice stalk burning. Special project patrols will be instituted ensure proper measures are followed and give a full accounting of area stalk burning activities. Full cooperation is necessary to strengthen the harvest season and effectively patrol the rice cultivation areas during planting and open burning.Help is needed to give a full accounting and deal with burn patrolling of 423 locations in the open at present. Include 386 generally patrolling and 37 cases of giving a full account. Help to give a full account and deal with 37 places altogether, among them 14 have not found the fact of burning. Coaching and cooperation with real-time processing to account for 208 patrol cases.Second, sample and measure the air pollution sourceThe case samples will be used to account for pollution sources. The sampling will be performed by a qualified measuring company. The sample and detection method will be performed according to environmental protection standard methods, announced in advance as required by the requisite law (using comparison sample bags).Finish measuring 10 points for a pollution source in public and private places. Accept the pollution sample measurement industry person 10 times, only the above standard value of measuring value of 6 times. The public institution which exceeded the regulation standard had already coached improving or denounced and punished.Third, declare and leadOffer 8 news releases and carry out radio announcements for 14 days. When the second rice stage is achieved, carry out cable TV announcement inserting the sowing type with subtitles (horse race light) for 7 days. Place 400 advertising inserts in the newspaper. Deliver manuals to local rice farmers during patrolling and coaching.Conduct four sessions to lead to declare publicly. Include two burn treatment technology sessions, and one pollution source treatment technology session, and one animal husbandry forum session.Fourth, burn pollution decrement in the openThis plan carries out and burns the frequent district to patrol, open burning. The surplus supplies are estimated to be about 241388 kg after burning general offal, and 83,700 kg after burning agricultural wastes. Estimate formulae and calculate that must move all kinds of pollutant and reduce the emission amount of every pollution source and suspended particles (TSP) reduced to 1221.96 kg, PM10 reduced to 945.56 kg, SOx reduced to 9.41 kg, NOx reduced to 360.05 kg, CO reduced to 10651.51 kg, THC reduced to 1469.76 kg and NMHC reduced to 1048.33 kg.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 松暉工程顧問有限公司