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Title 95年度輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要為協助環保署辦理「95年度推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作考核作業」,以及「96年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環保局辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作補助事宜」、「資源回收形象改造計畫及輔導作業」等,以期達成資源回收工作永續經營目標。95年度全國資源回收率達27.72﹪,已超過95年度目標值26﹪,且較94年度23.12﹪成長4.60%,另每人每日垃圾清運量部分也由94年之0.663公斤降為95年度0.605公斤,顯見資源回收成效逐年進步。95年度資源回收工作績效考核作業也配合各項時程要求據以辦理完成,「95年度全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」,第一組前三名為:台中市、台北市、台南市;第二組前三名:高雄縣、台中縣、桃園縣;第三組前四名:宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、新竹縣、澎湖縣。另本計畫期間共計審查興建或整建之資源回收貯存場案28件,共計補助14,990.6仟元,經費核撥比例約為82.3%。
EngTitle Project for Assisting the Exeutive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 2006
EngAbstract “Project for Assisting the Exeutive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 2006” that project is mainly for assisting EPA in implementing the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling” ,and the “Principles of Subsidizing the Environmental Protection Bureaus of Special Municipalities and Counties (cities) for Carrying out the plan for Reducing Garbage Volume and Resource Recycling for the Year 2007” and the “Plan for Assistance Image Improvement of Resource Recycling” in hope to reach the goal of permanent operation of resource recycling.National resource recycling rate was 27.72% in 2006, already more than annual target 26%. With regard to resource recycling 2006 was raised from 23.12% in 2005 to 27.72% in 2006, with a growth rate up to 4.60%. The weight of garbage of per person and per day had reduced to 0.605kg in 2007 from 0.663kg in 2006. It was apparent that the effectiveness of resource recycling progress.Based on the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of Resource Recycling”, the results of performance evaluation on the executive agencies of this country in resource recycling in 2006 have been announced .The top three in first section are Taipei City ,Taichung City ,and Tainan City;the top three in second section are Kaohsung County ,Taichung County and Taoyan County;the top four in third section are Ilan County, Hualien County, Hsinchu County and Penghu County. This plan had reviewed 28 sites of resource recycling for construction or rebuilding. Total granted 14,990.6 thousand. Funds appropriated ratio was about 82.3%.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 騰美環境資源股份有限公司