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Title 95年度南投縣懸浮污染物暴露與居民健康之調查
Abstract 本計畫研究主要在探討南投縣台16線砂石運輸車對附近環境及居民健康之影響,以台16線沿線之環境及居民作為暴露組,另選擇遠離砂石運輸路線之地利及和社作為對照組,針對南投縣水里、集集及竹山地區之車流量調查、懸浮微粒、室內外塵土、路面塵土採樣、心血肺功能及相關問卷調查等進行擴散模式推估、懸浮微粒塵土、尿液、重金屬分析。在大氣懸浮微粒部分,暴露組大量砂石車明顯影響大氣微粒濃度,且在夜間懸浮微粒之濃度仍無法降至環境之背景值。而室內外大氣重屬濃度,暴露組地區明顯承受較多金屬污染。在水里之居家塵土分析中,發現室內金屬負荷量,依近程、中程及遠程呈現遞减之現象。暴露組居民尿液中金屬濃度大部份均高於對照組居民尿液中之金屬濃度,由於該地區並無固定污染源排放金屬之影響,故砂石車等移動污染源之影響是不容忽視問題。另由大氣懸浮微粒細粒徑元素碳及有機碳可知暴露組地區主要貢獻者應是砂石車。大氣擴散模式推估顯示由於夏季盛行風為西南風,故污染物多往東北方擴散。若將車流量將砂石車移除(不含砂石車),道路揚塵逸散明顯下降,可看出因疏浚工程而引起砂石車數量上升對大氣濃度之貢獻量頗大。藉由各種車種之排氣量、街塵濃度及車流量數據,並配合ISC ST3模式所推算之結果,發現水里及集集兩地區懸浮微粒及OC之濃度,有超過85%以上係由砂石車所貢獻,而EC之濃度幾乎全部係由砂石車所貢獻。 在居民健康方面,本研究針對台十六線與台二十一線道路所架設的大氣微粒採樣點附近五百公尺內之成年居民進行心肺功能及腎功能檢查。在調整干擾因子的效應後,發現疏浚工程道路沿線民眾有較差肺功能及較高收縮壓之可能趨勢;此外,腎功能評估在不同地區間並未呈現顯著差異。以多變項迴歸模式來評估心肺功能及腎功能與尿液重金屬濃度之相關。在調整干擾因子的效應後,顯示尿中鋁之增加與收縮壓及舒張壓增加可能相關。尿中鋅之增加也與心跳速率、N-乙醯胺基葡萄糖甘酶、視醇結合蛋白質增加可能相關。而尿中砷之增加也可能與收縮壓增加具有統計相關。個體重金屬暴露劑量之增加與心肺功能及腎功能的改變具有統計上之可能相關。但是本研究因為受限於追蹤的時間與樣本數的規模,並不適宜驟然定一結論,往後仍需長期性的追蹤觀察當地環境與民眾健康,以增加研究結果之可信度;然而,現今之結果仍可提供相關單位參考,並建議應訂定合宜的防範措施,以保障當地居民的健康。
EngTitle The study of Particulate Matter and Health risk assessment of Nantou in 2006
EngAbstract This study focused on impacts of transportation of dump trucks on the health risk of residents near the Tai-16 roadway in the Nantou County. We selected the residents in Dy-Li and huo-she as control set. The traffic volume survey and atmospheric diffusion model were conducted to simulate the particulate matter exposure of residents. Besides the particulate matters, indoor/outdoor dust, and blood/urine sampled were collected and were analyzed for their metal contents. The residents’ cardiovascular, respiratory, and kidney functions, related questionnaires were collected to assess their health conditions. The particulate matter levels in the exposure sets were obviously higher than those in the control set. The high particulate matter levels were contributed by the transportation of dump trucks. Additionally, particulate matter levels in the exposure sets did not decrease to the background levels in the control set even at the night.The residents in the exposure set obviously suffered higher metal levels of outdoor particulate matters than those in the control set. The metal loading in the indoor dusts decreased with the distances from the roadways. Similarly, the metal concentrations in the urine of residents in the control set were significantly. Because there was not any stationary sources for the metal emissions, the transportation of dump trucks was possible response for the metal emissions. The major source of both element and organic carbon for this area was the exhaust of dump trucks. The model simulated results of ISC-ST3 showed the high concentrations of particulate matter located in the east-northern side of the roads. If the traffic volume did not count the dump trucks, the simulated particulate matter concentrations by ISC-ST3 significantly reduced comparing to the traffic volume containing dump trucks. Above 85% of particulate matters were contributed by the dump trucks. After adjusting the confounding factors, the results for residents’ cardiovascular, respiratory, and kidney function measurements indicated that the residents had poorer respiratory functions and higher systolic blood pressure. Multivariate regression was also employed to the evaluate the relationships between respiratory, and kidney function. After adjusting the confounding factors, the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure increased with the blood aluminum levels. The heat-beat, N—acetylglucosamindase, retinol binding protein were also increase with the blood zinc levels. The systolic blood pressure significantly correlated with urinal arsenic levels. The cardiopulmonary and kidney functions may be altered by the metal concentrations in exposed populations. Because the sample size of the population in the study, the results obtained from this study was not confirmed. Further investigation is necessary to assess the long-term influences of transportation of dump trucks on resident’s health. It suggests that some protective measurements should be taken to protect the public health in this area.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 中山醫學大學