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Title 辦理民眾檢舉高污染車輛管理暨移動污染源資料庫整合管理專案工作計畫
Abstract 1.95年度共受理39,667件民眾檢舉案件,截至96.01.10止,尚有2,338件仍在處理中,已通知檢驗案件計22,931件,不合格案件佔所有通知檢測且已結案件之2.6%,與94年2.20%不合格率相較比例略為提高。可見本項業務確實在移動污染源不定期管制各項策略中具相當成效,值得繼續推動。2.95年10月26日在全國環保機關首長見證下,隆重完成「95年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動」,本次共提供1,135個獎品,其中包括63個大獎及1,072個普獎,總金額超過新台幣70萬元。3.配合系統使用之情形及需求,完成全國環保機關100%以自然人憑證驗證登入系統專區作業、推廣滿意度調查、線上學習活動、建立環保局線上自動化填報考評作業、修訂標準作業程序、完成網站連線自動偵測作業,並完成系統10項功能增修作業。4.為提昇執行效力及執法之共識,完成2場教育訓練及2場業務聯繫檢討會,進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統配合進行操作功能擴增,以提昇本業務執行之品質。5建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,功能包括95年度績效考評填報及自動化統計作業、以e化方式建立委辦計畫查核方式及查核重點、移動污染源各項資料庫之整合、統計及分析作業,並初步建立移動污染源資料共享及提供重要資訊予環保署在政策推動時之重要參考,並使各項成果及污染削減量得以保存及應用。6.建立機房管理及例行維護標準作業,以輔助移動污染源相關各專案系統建置或備份於環保署,以利移動污染源資料處理及彙整,使移動污染源具有實體資料,無論現況檢討或未來決策支援,皆為良好之工具平台。
EngTitle Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system and mobile pollution source database integration project
EngAbstract Within this project 2006, there have been 39,667 suspected polluting vehicle cases were accepted. Among the accepted cases, 22,931 vehicles have been notified to be inspected, 2,338 cases are still under processing. All the other closed cases, 2.6% isdisqualified in all the notifications, compare to year 2005(which is 2.2%) the disqualification rate is higher.Under the witness of national EPBs’ directors. the lottery ceremony was held Oct.26, 2006. There were 1135 awards provided, which included 63 high value awards and 1072 regular ones. The total value is more than NT$700,000 dollars.With the accordance to the strategy 2006, there are several functions and modes of system areaccomplished. Also this project has revised EPBS’ standard operation proceclure handbook. The implementation of security access has been unified by citizen digital certificate. The other systemimplementation includes to unite the national wide epbs’ webs to receive report cases from one web. The checking and verification process and evaluationfunction was accomplished. Data exchange and integration nationwide platform was built. The award recording and Web connection monitoring system and self evaluation automatical system were well established. All the function and mode have improved the quality of handle process and made to perform theaim of strategy.Two training programs and two nationalconferences were held within this project whichprovided the business connection and difficultiesresolution.To accomplish the vehicles emission inspection cross platform specification, management and plan.The analytical result presents the eliminating pollutant of this project 2006 is 600Ton/yr.The elimination amount is more than last year.The mobile Web of EPA is built-up in this project. Which provides all the projects on-line review and editing. Via the web EPA can easily manage different projects and overlook the checkpoint and accomplishment.The mainframes management standard operation procedure is established.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司