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Title 垃圾焚化底渣再利用查核及最終處置場設置推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 為配合行政院環境保護署持續推動底渣再利用查核及最終處置場之設置工作本年度執行摘要如下:一、協助地方政府推動一般廢棄物最終處置場部分:(一)推動進度落後面臨退場之縣市政府,協助解決合約與法律面向之問題。(二)繼續推動之縣市,給予相關許可申辦之諮詢與營運管理之協助。(三)修訂「公民營機構興建營運垃圾焚化灰渣再利用廠及最終處置場設置計畫補助款執行要點」。二、垃圾焚化底渣再利用部分:(一)協助審核底渣再利用相關文件。(二)底渣再利用現場查核。(三)產品流向追蹤查核。(四)建置各主辦縣市垃圾焚化底渣再利用請款系統網頁資料庫,內容至少包含:焚化底渣進場量、退運量、各類再利用產品產量、再利用量、再利用流向等,以加速處理補助費撥款速度。三、其他與本計畫執行有關之相關之事業廢棄物產出調查事項:(一)協助追蹤第一批及第二批應置廢棄物專業技術人員之事業,其廢棄物專業技術人員之設置情形即自行清除許可申請情形,建置專用網頁統計執行成效。(二)協助環保署彙整各目的事業主管機關事業廢棄物處理及處置設施規劃及執行情形,並隨時掌握進度。(三)協助辦理環保署「廢棄物管理三十年紀實」「廢棄物管理政策演進」部分之資料蒐集、編纂。(四)辦理各縣(市)處置場建檔及餘裕量調查等工作,以及辦理各縣(市)一般廢棄物焚化灰、底渣產量及流向調查工作。四、辦理一次與本計畫有關之事業廢棄物業務協調聯繫會報,參與對象為相關部會、縣(市)環保局及本署相關人員。五、成立專人專責服務窗口,並建置本計畫網頁,並隨時更新資料。
EngTitle The Evaluation of Incinerator Residue Reuse and the Promotion of Final Disposal Site Establishment Project
EngAbstract 1. Help the local government to promote the final disposal field of general waste:(1) As for the county and municipal governments that faces lag progress of promotion and will be withdrawn, help them to solve the problem of contract and law aspects.(2) As for the county and municipal governments that promote it continuously, provide the relevant consulting for the application of permits and assistance for the management of operation.(3) Revise “Enforcement Rules for the Subsidiary of Setting Recycling Plant of Trash Incinerating Ash and Final Disposal Field by Private and Public Authorities”.2. The recycle of trash incinerating bottom ash:(1) Help to review the relevant documents for the recycle of bottom ash.(2) Check the field for the recycle of bottom ash.(3) Track and check the flow direction of products.(4) Establish the webpage database of payment system for the recycle of trash incinerating bottom ash in each competent county and city, the contents at least include: the incoming amount of trash incinerating bottom ash, the amount returned, throughput of recycled products, recycling amount, recycling flow direction etc., in order to speed the payment of subsidiary fund.3. Other investigation items related to the throughput of relevant industrial waste:(1) Help to track the first batch and the second batch of enterprise businesses undertaking which should establish the professional technician of waste, to understand the establishment condition for the professional technician of waste and the application condition for the permits of self removal, and set the special-purpose webpage to count the execution effect.(2) Help EPA to gather the planning of treatment and disposal facilities and the execution condition for the industrial waste of each competent authority, and grasp the progress at any time.(3) Help EPA to collect and edit the information for “Real Record for 30-year Waste Management” and “Evolution of Waste Management Policy”.(4) Help the filing of each county (city) disposal field and the investigation work of surplus amount, and deal with the investigation work for the throughput and flow direction of general waste incinerating ash, bottom ash in each county (city).4. Hold a coordination and liaison meeting associated with the industrial waste business of this project, the participating subjects are relevant bureaus, the Environmental Protection Department of county (city) and relevant personnel of EPA.5. Establish the specific service window, set up the webpage of this project, and update the information at any time.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司