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Title 95年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-加強街道揚塵洗街計畫
Abstract 對於都會區之浮微粒污染,車行揚塵為最主要之貢獻源,因此僅仰賴固定源之控制效果不顯著,故藉由街道清洗作業以減低懸浮微粒污染。嘉義市環境保護局為降低本市道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,使市區內空氣品質不再日益惡化,故申請行政院環境保護署補助辦理嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希能透過街道清洗作業達到改善街道市容之整潔及提升空氣品質之目的。本次報告屬95年度期末報告,計畫執行期間含括95年1月至12月31日止,針對市區內14條主次要道路,進行洗街工作,行政院環境保護署核定全年洗街總長度12,000公里。95年度1月至12月31日洗掃街執行統計結果顯示,本計畫洗街長度共完成12,566.3公里,累計洗街長度達成率為104.7%。依洗街平均車速約為13.5km/hr,其各月每公里平均用水量值介於1.18-1.21,總平均約為1.19公噸/公里。今年度至12月31日止已進行6次之洗街用水及1次備用水源水質採樣分析,結果顯示可符合回收水利用於抑制揚塵之管制標準(惟該標準已於今年10月公告廢除),將持續觀察。本計畫配合辦理TSP及PM10檢測,經彙整分析後並整理本計畫歷年來檢測結果,TSP及PM10檢測之削減率與洗街作業有正相關性,亦即進行洗街作業可減少空氣中懸浮微粒含量。但影響空氣品質的因素極多,如未能排除其他變因(特別是天氣因素及背景濃度),要了解進行一次洗街作業對特定路段的削減率有實際上的困難。不過整體而言洗掃之成效在隔日同一時段仍可維持相當的削減率,顯示本計畫確有執行之必要。。問卷調查結果顯示,嘉義市民眾對空氣品質及街道揚塵之感受程度,屬尚能接受,但仍需努力改善。在洗掃街作業方面民眾則維持九成以上之高度肯定。顯示本計畫有持續執行之必要。
EngTitle Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2006
EngAbstract Concerning the aerosol pollution in metropolitan areas, vehicle dust is the primary culprit for it. In fact, the effect will not be very significant if we just rely on containing stationary sources of pollution. Therefore, street washing operation needs to be applied in order to decrease aerosol pollution. Intending to decrease road dust volume and to keep streets clean in the City so that the air quality of the City will not be getting worse day by day, Chiayi City EPB report to EPA for fund assistance in “Chiayi City Street Washing Project” (The Project hereafter), which may help to get to the objectives to clean up city streets and improve air quality by means of street washing operations.This report is one of the 2006 year end reports. The project duration spanned from January to December 31, 2006. There were 14 primary and secondary roads in the urban area of the city targeted to be washed. EPA authorized totally a length of 12,000km of streets that have to go through street washing in the year. The achievement statistics of street washing from January to December 31, 2006 indicates that there was a length of 12,566.3 km has been undertaken by the street washing project; the achievement ratio is 104.7% in total. The average street washing speed was about 13.5km/hr. The average monthly used water volume per kilometer was between 1.18-1.21 ton with an average of 1.19 ton per kilometer.There were seven sampling analysis for street washing water quality in this year till December 31. The results have shown that the control standard has been met for the retrieved water to be used in containing dust, (though the standard was abolished in October this year.)This Project is being held in accordance to TSP and PM tests. After compilation and analysis of these test results in years, positive correlation between street washing operation and the decrease rate in TSP and PM tests has been revealed. That means street washing operation indeed can reduce the aerosol quantity in the air. However, there are many factors that will influence the air quality. If other variables have not been prevented (especially climate factors and background density), there will be factual difficulties to realize how a street washing operation can reflect the reduce rate in a certain road section. But generally speaking, the street washing effect can maintain equal reduce rate as same as that of next day. It does indicate that this project is necessary after all.The result of the questionnaire appears that it is acceptable for Chiayi residents in terms of air quality and street dust with expectation that they will be approved somehow. As for street washing operation itself, people maintain more than 90% affirmative attitude. It tells that this project is necessarily to be executed continuously.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 澄品顧問股份有限公司