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Title 日本電子電器物品之資源回收政策與作為及落實循環型社會執行經驗交流計畫
Abstract 本計畫內容分為四大項:一、蒐集日本執行循環型社會之策略形成、規劃及現階段執行情形。二、蒐集日本廢電子電器設備之資源回收政策與作為,並與國內資源回收體系交叉比對。三、執行案例研究:(一)瞭解北九州生態科技城於日本建構循環型社會策略之角色、現階段推動狀況及發揮之功效。(二)瞭解日本愛知博覽會之資源回收、零廢棄執行經驗。四、赴日考察實際瞭解資源回收政策與作為及零廢棄執行經驗。透過本計畫的執行成果,可以綜覽日本建立循環型社會及廢電子電器物品資源回收制度之形成背景,瞭解日本建立循環型社會之相關策略,並深入瞭解日本廢電子電器物品之資源回收推動現況,同時佐以赴日參訪的案例研究結論,以作為我國於資源回收政策之參考。
EngTitle The Practice Investigation for the Japanese WEEE Policies and the Sound Material-Cycle Society
EngAbstract The project consists of 4 main parts listed as below:1. To collect the strategies, policies and administrations for the Sound Material-Cycle Society in Japan.2. To Collect the policies and practices of the WEEE in Japan for comparing with the system in Taiwan.3. Two study cases:- To understand the playing role of the Kitakyushu Eco-twon and its administration effects for the Japanese Sound Material-Cycle Society strategy.- To survey the practices of the Recycling activities and zero waste policies in the EXPO 2005 AICHI, Japan.4. To make an on-the-spot investigation for surveying the zero waste and recycling policies in Japan.Through this project, we can get the overview of the formation background, the strategies and administration effects in Japan, especially for the WEEE Policies and the Sound Material-Cycle Society. Such results with field investigation studies are referential for making recycling policies in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會