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Title 『95年度臺南市餐飲業空氣污染物管制與輔導改善暨環保餐飲街示範計畫』期末報告
Abstract 台南市政府環境保護局為提昇市民生活空氣品質,遂積極推動『台南市餐飲業空氣污染物管制與輔導改善暨環保餐飲街示範計畫』,希望藉由餐飲業油煙污染稽查管制及輔導改善雙管齊下的策略,積極解決逐漸顯著並造成民怨之困擾。南市之餐飲業以中小型規模為主,以本年度巡查之503家業者而言,僅有少數約四成業者設置處理設備,而設置較理想之管末處理設備僅有二成。累計完成50家之輔導改善,有效達到污染減量之效果,包括TSP總削減量達40.347公噸/年,NMHC總削減量達7.023公噸/年,THC總削減量達12.542公噸/年。本計畫建議環保署盡速研擬餐飲業管制相關辦法並公告施行;建議設置環保攤販區,將攤販納入同一區域,透過共同收集處理方式;同時建議下年度能提高編列油煙廢氣特性採樣分析作業經費,擴大分析點次及污染物,以求能精確建立本市餐飲業污染相關數據資料庫,提供未來管制作業參考。
EngTitle “Air Pollutant Control and Assistance Improvement for the Restaurant Industry in Tainan City & Demonstration Plan of Environment-Friendly Restaurant Street”
EngAbstract Under the purpose of air quality improvement in Tainan City, the City Environmental Protection Bureau legislate the regulation of “Air Pollutant Control and Assistance Improvement for the Restaurant Industry in Tainan City & Demonstration Plan of Environment-Friendly Restaurant Street” which provides the strategies of inspection and control of soot pollution, and improvement assistance for restaurant industry, thus, constructively solves the pollution problems and public discontent. Based on this project, the scale of restaurants in Tainan City is mainly in middle and small size. Thus, the information of soot pollution and their prevention technologies are sufficient for restaurant owners. 457 restaurants were inspected in this year. Only around 40% of them installed the prevention equipments, while only 20% installed more advance prevention equipments. In the part of improvement assistance, because of less enforcement under regulation, only fifty restaurants were completed and reached the effective pollution reduction, such as total reduction of TSP in 40.347 tons/year, NMHC in 7.023 tons/year, and THC in 12.542 tons/year.This project suggests that Environmental Protection Administration should promptly make related regulations in controlling and managing restaurant industry, which will provide the regulation basis for inspectors in supervision and assistance in Taiwan. Moreover, this project suggested that the restaurants investigation and evaluation can be constantly executed in next year, which contributes Tainan as a city with environmental protection actions and delicious foods. Thus, it will result in more attracted visitors and prosperous city development. Finally, this project also suggests that rising budgets in samples analysis and characterization of waste soot, and expanding the analysis times, points and types of pollutants should be fully consideration in coming year, which will establish the pollution database system for restaurant industry in Tainan City, and provide the future information in control and management.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 劦廣環境科技有限公司