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Title 營建資源暨裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫
Abstract 據研究台灣地區每年產生超過1,000萬公噸的營建與拆除廢棄物,然其所含物質如:混凝土塊、磚、木材、塑膠等多可回收再利用。在永續發展的世界潮流下,行政院環境保護署著手推動營建資源暨裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用。本計畫所完成的工作項目及成果,說明如下:1.已協調環保署「事業廢棄物管制網」及營建署「營建剩餘土石方資訊中心」之申報系統新增超連結至對方申報頁面,做為整合的模式。2.已研訂完成10項再利用產品驗證規範與程序,並檢驗完成再利用產品至少30件,其檢驗結果均達到CNS標準。3.已研提緣石及緣石側溝、高壓混凝土地磚、混凝土磚、木絲水泥板、鋪地磚等5項施工綱要規範具體修改內容,以利推動使用相關再利用產品。4.已持續維護更新環保署綠建材再利用產品資訊網相關內容。5.已研析營建廢棄物清運車輛加裝GPS之可行性,初步的研究成果是可行的,但需要相關配套措施。6.已規劃完成縣市政府推動「裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫」之執行方式,包括3種辦理模式、2種補助款種類及經費申請等。7.已完成『環保署補助縣(市)政府辦理「裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫」申請補助原則(草案)』之研擬,內容包括申請程序及補助方式、各階段經費補助申請計畫書格式、審核方式及管考措施等。8.已就現行管理辦法加以探討國內裝潢修繕廢棄物的管理機制,並針對不足之處研擬修正草案。9.已辦理一場次推動營建廢棄物再利用業務檢討會,三場次再利用產品說明會及相關研商、公聽會議事宜。期望透過本計畫上述各工作項目的執行,能創造再利用產品的市場與需求,促進營建混合物回收與再利用。
EngTitle A Project to Recycle Building Construction and Demolition Wastes in Taiwan
EngAbstract According to studies, more than ten million tons of building construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) were generated each year in Taiwan. However, most of its contents such as concrete debris, brick, woods, plastics, and so on, are recyclable. With the global trend of sustainable development, the Taiwan EPA has geared to the recycling and reuse of all the CD&Ws. This research project completed the following work items:1.Conducted meetings to add the hyperlink in each other’s systems, between EPA’s Waste Declaration and Auditing System and CPA’s (Construction and Planning Agency) Residual Soil Declaration and Auditing System, to improve the integration of both systems.2.Developed testing specifications and validating procedures for 10 recycled products, and tested 30 recycled products. The testing results were all satisfactory.3.Modified construction specification of 5 products, including road curb, concrete floor brick, concrete block, wood cement board, and pavement brick, to facilitate the reuse of construction and demolition wastes.4.Maintained the website of Green Building Products and updated the information.5.Conducted the feasibility study of imposing the installation of GPS for all the vehicles transporting the CD&Ws. The initial result shows it is feasible, but will need supporting actions for the policy.6.Planed the execution models for the local counties to build a collection and recycling channel for CD&Ws generated from household remodeling. As a result, 3 execution models, and 2 types of compensation costs were proposed.7.Developed the procedure and all the necessary documents for the local counties, who are interested in participating in the project of collecting and recycling CD&Ws, to apply for the compensation from EPA. In addition, a rating scheme was proposed for EPA to select the proper counties to participate in the project.8.Studied and developed a draft regulation of collecting and recycling of CD&Ws generated from household remodeling.9.Hold 3 workshops for promoting construction recycled products and 1 meeting for EPA to discuss all the related matters with all the delegates from local counties.With the implementation of all the above work items in the project, hopefully the market initiatives and demands for recycled products can be increased and all the CD&Ws properly recycled and reused
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中央大學