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Title 符合歐盟RoHS及WEEE法規之環保電線電纜披覆材料配方與製程技術開發
Abstract 電線電纜廣泛應用於地鐵、機電和高層建築等人員比較集中的公共場所,人們對電線電纜的安全與環保的要求漸高;目前電線電纜使用的材料以傳統的PVC為主,然而PVC含鹵素,鹵素化合物具毒性且嚴重影響人們健康,頗具環保問題,在歐盟RoHS及WEEE法規制定與實施後,將會逐漸被淘汰。因此,電線電纜使用具備環境相容性之無鹵低煙阻燃材料,性能符合歐盟RoHS、WEEE法規及IEC92-359標準中對熱塑性材料的規定,將是未來的趨勢。所以,取代PVC且具防火效果之難燃劑逐漸衍生,包括目前頗具環保的無鹵難燃電線電纜材料,即利用PE及EVA摻雜氫氧化鋁或氫氧化鎂,使其在燃燒時分解產生水,降低燃燒溫度,以達到耐燃的效果,但添加量往往大於60wt%,產品物性大幅下降。本研究即利用添加量少且具相乘效果的摻雜含磷及氮系列的化合物,利用磷具有多餘的電子,可在火災發生時,與空氣中的氧鍵結而在物品表面形成一層焦炭層來阻絕火焰,達到阻燃的效果,由於添加量少,產品物性下降不多,可兼具無鹵低煙阻燃與高物性之產品配方研究。本計畫達成之指標包括:1.符合RoHS 及WEEE 之法規。2.難燃劑『相乘』技術之建立。3.比重達1.1以下之無鹵難燃聚烯烴材料。4.無鹵難燃聚烯烴材料技術提昇指標:拉伸強度(ASTM D790)達12.8MPa,延伸率達453.4%,氧氣指數(LOI)達37,UL 94 1/8英吋達V0規格。透過本計畫的開發完成,建立了無鹵低煙難燃技術平台,可依此平台,建構廣泛的應用技術與產品,擴展到其他的應用領域。此外,本技術除了申請多項國內外專利之外,也將該技術成功的移轉給合作廠商竟興公司,另外,所衍生的難燃技術,亦轉移給上市公司華榮電線電纜,預期短期內將可為上述公司,增加數千萬的營業收入,增加產業的競爭力,並且藉由此技術的開發完成,對於未來自然生態、環境保護上,貢獻一份心力。
EngTitle The recipes and processing technology of green wire/cable materials fitting with the RoHS and WEEE restrictions
EngAbstract Wires-and-cables are widely used in subways, electrical facilities, and tall buildings where the population density is usually high. The needs for safe and environmentally friendly electrical wires-and-cables become stringent. The currently used electrical cables use PVC materials as the electrical shielding layer, which contains the halogen element that is harmful for human health. Due to its environmental concern, European Union’s RoHS and WEEE regulations inhibit the further utilization of PVC. Accordingly, the future trend is to utilize cables complying with the regulations of RoHS, WEEE, and IEC92-359, without using halogen as the flame retardant constituent. To replace PVC, current approaches use the compounded polyolefin mixtures of PE, EVA, POE and fire retardant, such as aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. These hydroxides release a large quantity of water vapor during burning and, consequently, retard the further burning of the polymer. However, with an added quantity higher than 60 wt%, the mechanical properties of the composite become deteriorated. This study aims at using a minor fraction of phosphorous-containing and nitrogen-containing compounds as compounded the fire retardants, which enhance each other’s performance synergistically. The free electron pair in phosphorous can react with air during burning, forming a charcoal layer to inhibit the further burning of the polymer. As their added quantities can be very low to achieve the fire retardation effect, the performance of the composite can be maintained. Non-halogen composite formulations with high mechanical strength can thus be attained.Targets of green wire and cable:1.Complying with RoHS and WEEE regulations.2.The technology of synergistic effect of fire retardants.3.Eco-cable materials with densities lower than 1.1 g/cm3.4.The ultimate tensile strength higher than 12.8 MPa (ASTM D790), elongation larger than 453.4%, Limiting Oxygen Index ( LOI ) higher than 37, UL94 V0 standard for a diameter of 1/8”. Through this project, a core technology- non-halogen and flame retardant technology, was established. This technology can also be used in many other applications. Besides, this technology has filed Taiwan’s patents, and transfer to Jing Shing Industry Co., Ltd., the cooperation company in this project. By the way, the relative technologies, which was transferred to Hua Eng Wire &Cable Co., Ltd., will create the income more than ten million NT dollars, and increase the competitiveness as well. The achievement of this project is major in the environmental protection and eco-friendly issues.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 遠東科技大學 精密機械創新育成中心