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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治資訊整合與維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間為95年12月起至97年3月止,共有5項主要工作,第1項工作為持續擴充及建置「土壤及地下水污染整治資料庫」,計畫執行期間除須整合環保署其他委辦計畫資料、協助納入地方環保局補助計畫成果、登錄公告函、納入各級環保機關所執行之土壤及地下水檢測數據,亦持續進行系統推廣、維護與功能開發。資料登錄部分共計完成公文共211件、列管污染場址資料共108件(含清查筆數)及計畫成果共17個,並且進行全面系統性與資料建檔100%之品保品管。第2項工作為彙整95年度土壤及地下水污染查證、調查及整治執行成效;除彙整地方環保局執行計畫之成果外,亦檢討各計劃之執行成果。針對95、96年結案之補助計畫,總計完成16個計畫資料之統整,同時編撰完成95年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報及土基會五週年專冊。第3項工作為協助維護「土壤及地下水污染整治網」之資料更新、網站管理維護與網頁改版相關事宜,同時開發訊息發佈功能,協助環保署即時發佈相關訊息於土水網。以推動土壤及地下水污染整治相關工作,繼續宣導政府在土壤及地下水方面之保護決心與展示施政成果,促進資訊公開。第4項工作為辦理土基會資訊系統效能及網路安全管理相關作業,並且提供土基會行政管理資訊技術支援,以推動土壤及地下水污染整治相關工作。計畫執行期間資料庫每日備份,每週專人檢視備份檔並進行資料庫還原測試共計60次。第5項工作為其他事項;包含設置專屬諮詢窗口及專線服務人員,總計完成384件事項之辦理。同時定期彙整使用者意見提出改善方案,並因應系統功能增修或改版,辦理使用者教育訓練事宜,及其他交辦相關資訊技術協助事項。
EngTitle Integration and Establishment of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Information
EngAbstract There were 5 major tasks accomplished within the period of the project execution time (December, 2006 to March, 2007). The first item is continuation of expanding and establishing of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Database”. This task is aiming at integration of the data from EPA or EPB sponsored project, soil and groundwater monitoring data, making online public announcement, maintain and develop the system. For the data entry part, there were 211 official documents, 108 listed pollution site cases (including cases being investigated), and 17 project results completed. The comprehensive systematic and data filing quality control were proceeded with 100% guarantee of excellent quality. The second task is the collection of investigation and remediation of the soil and groundwater pollution in year 2006. The remediation results were reviewed and there were 16 projects done in year 2006 and 2007 integrated. Meanwhile, the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Annual Report in Year 2006 and the Journal of 5 Years History in the Soil and Groundwater Management Board were edited. The third task is the information update, website maintenance and revision of web page of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Web”. Such maintenance developed news announcement function to instantly makes public understands how the remediation works, and propagates the government’s achievement and its determination in protecting our soil and groundwater. The fourth task is the information system efficiency upgrade and internet safety management. We offer administrative and technical support to promote the soil and groundwater pollution remediation. The database copied the entire data daily to avoid data lost; the designated personnel review the copied data weekly and test the restored database 60 times totally. The fifth task includes many other miscellaneous tasks like set-up of consultant personnel, collect user comments and issue improvement suggestion regularly, hold user training sessions if the system functions change, and other technical support. Totally 384 tasks were completed.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司