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Title 研發轉換下水污泥為聚乳酸原料
Abstract 乳酸及其衍生物廣泛用於製藥、釀酒、食品、飲料、保健品、造紙、皮革、捲煙、油漆、油墨、電鍍和塑料工業等。乳酸的光學異構物L-(+)-和D-(-)-乳酸經過聚合後可生成聚乳酸(polylactic acid, PLA),PLA是一種可再生利用、在自然情況下可被環境微生物所降解的塑膠。而且可藉由控制L-(+)-和D-(-)-lactic acid 異構物的比例來改變PLA的物理特性而賦予PLA製品各種不同的用途。目前乳酸的生產方式主要是利用乳酸菌將植物澱粉發酵之後再將發酵液經過萃取純化所製得。而製造過程中原料與光學異構物分離所需的成本是造成目前PLA價格居高不下的主要原因。Lactobacillus pentosus是一種進行同型發酵(Homo fermentation)的乳酸菌,其代謝醣類產生的乳酸佔總代謝產物的90%以上。根據研究發現許多Clostridium 屬的厭氧菌能夠分泌胞外酵素複合體(cellulosome)用來分解纖維素作為生長所需的碳源。但是因為Clostridium需要絕對厭氧的環境才能生長,而本實驗室菌種庫有一株好氧菌Bacillus 可以用來營造絕對厭氧的環境,同時研究顯示Bacillus也具有分解多種基質得能力,包含纖維素在內。本研究嘗試利用含有大量的纖維素組成的民生下水污泥堆肥與造紙事業的廢棄污泥作為生長基質,經過 L.pentosus 發酵及利用共培養的方式,探討將有機廢棄物資源化之可行性。目前的實驗結果顯示民生下水污泥堆肥與造紙廠的廢水污泥經過L.pentosus發酵後最高分別可產生5.02(g/L)與1.008(g/L)的乳酸。但由於民生下水污泥堆肥來源不穩定且成分組成過於複雜,因此最後決定採用造紙廠的廢水污泥作為研究的材料。利用L. pentosus 、Clostridium 共培養的實驗發現最高約可產生1.35(g/L)的乳酸,而利用L. pentosus 、Clostridium 、Bacillus 共培養的實驗發現最高約可產生0.9(g/L)的乳酸。同時也發現一個有趣的結果,就是當有Clostridium 存在時D-乳酸最後會被分解消失只剩下L-乳酸約0.83(g/L),因此可以考慮透過這樣的方式來獲得L-乳酸而不用再經過分離的步驟。雖然本實驗所得到的乳酸產量並不高,但由於所使用的污泥沒有經過任何的前處理幫助纖維素分解,所以也省下了一比相當可觀的費用。因為作為基質的污泥並不需要任何的成本,加上乳酸具有較高的經濟效益,而發酵過的污泥則可作為垃圾掩埋場的覆土或土壤改良劑,所以可更進一步降低生產成本。亦或是將發酵液用來培養光合產氫菌(Rhodopseudomonas palustris)用來產生氫能源也是一種可行的方案,如此將賦予事業廢棄污泥更多的經濟效益。為了降低光學異構物分離的成本,本研究同時計畫以分子生物學的方式分別將D- 或L-lactate dehydrogenase的基因破壞得到產生單一形式乳酸之L.pentosus 突變株。因此構築了數種重組質體並以electroporation的方式送入L. pentosus菌體內,期望利用homologus recombination的方式破壞染色體DNA上的基因,目前此部分仍在進行中。
EngTitle Production of lactic acid from regenerated resources by Lactobacillus pentosus
EngAbstract Lactic acid (LA) and its derivatives are versatile chemicals used in food, pharmaceutical, leather, and polylactic acid (PLA) plastics industries. A homolactic fermenter, Lactobacillus pentosus 124-2, was used to produce lactic acid by our laboratory. For reducing the cost of purification L-(+) and D-(-) lactic acid isomers respectively, three approaches have being used in this study. The first, a regenerated resource, the wastewater sludge from a paper-manufacturer , was used as the only carbon source. After growing for 48 hours, 1.01 g/L of lactate could be retrieved from a 100 ml-batch culture. The second, L. pentosus was co-cultured with two water rating bacteria (Clostridium M1 and Bacillus I) to improve the converting efficiency of biomass in sludge. When L. pentosus was co-cultured with Clostridium M1, the production of lactic acid was increased to 1.35(g/L) after a growth of 34 hours and existed only as L-(+) isomer (0.56 g/L) after 108 hours. If L. pentosus was co-cultured with Clostridium M1 and Bacillus I simultaneously, still only L-(+) isomer, but a little more (0.837 g/L), could be detected after growing for 155 hours. The third, a molecular biological approach was used to knock out the L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene and D-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene of L. pentosus, so that the resulting mutants will produce L-(+) and D-(-) isomers, respectively. Six recombinant plasmids have been constructed and some other works are in progress.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立屏東科技大學