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Title 我國陸生圈各類土地使用及擴大空氣品質淨化區後碳量總量之評估及監測計畫
Abstract 本研究案為延續上年度「我國陸地碳匯潛力評估及管理策略」的研究計畫案。為進一步落實我國能透過「土地使用、土地使用改變與森林」(LULUCF)的方式減少我國空氣中溫室氣體的排放總量,本年度之研究案除持續收集整理國際間最新的LULUCF相關議題與文件作為參考外,亦協助各縣市政府建立碳量及碳匯的統計與通報系統。環保署利用「空氣污染防制基金」推行「空氣品質淨化區」的設置已有多年,並有相當的成效。因此,本研究案仍依IPCC對陸地生物圈的碳量及碳匯調查統計上的專業要求,延續前期對都市綠地及空氣品質淨化區樣區的碳量調查,並持續進行碳匯效益或生長速率的分析,以更了解我國都會集居區的綠地碳量及碳匯對於減少二氧化碳排放至大氣中的貢獻。其成果除可供建立本土的資料庫外,並提供未來空氣品質淨化區在碳匯植物選種上之參考,且得以擴及應用至全國的碳量管理策略。此外,本研究並對國際間的碳匯項目及碳交易案例進行收集分析,以為未來可能利用我國碳匯效益投入國際碳交易市場機制之參考。
EngTitle The Carbon Survey and Monitoring Plan for Terrestrial Biosphere Land Uses and Aquapu in Taiwan
EngAbstract This project is a continuation last year’s , project entitled ”The Potential Evaluation and Management strategy of Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in Taiwan”. This year’s research aims to evaluate and reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through implementing the “LULUCF” framework. In addition to updating the international documents on carbon sequestration of terrestrial biosphere and land uses, this project also provides guidance and assistance to county and city governments in Taiwan to establish their own approach in surveying. Compiling and reporting county wide or city wide of terrestrial carbon sink.EPA has successfully given impetus to establish the “air quality purification area”, i.e. AQUAPU, for many years. Therefore, in order to scientifically quantify and understand more about the contribution and added values of carbon sequestration in AQUAPU, the research of this year continues to investigate the trees in urban parks and AQUAPUs and estimate their carbon quantity and growth rate. In addition to last year’s six sample plots, this year will add three more. The investigation method will also follow IPCC’s professional requirement like last year. The results of these investigations will not only help set up the local database on tree carbon growth rate, but also provide suggestions for species selection in order to maximize the benefits of carbon sink in the future. This research also collects and analyzes the latest projects on international terrestrial biosphere carbon trades, so as to provide reference for Taiwan to participate in the international carbon sink trading markets in the future.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣發展研究院