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Title 非游離輻射溝通宣導及防護法規草擬計畫
Abstract 鑒於去(95)年4月21日召開之國家永續發展會議,會議共識項目之一即是「針對非游離輻射潛在威脅,檢討現有管制標準,積極調查、研究與預防,制定非游離輻射防護法」。因此,為了回應社會大眾之要求,特規劃此計畫,針對非游離輻射之特性進行資料蒐集、協助檢討現有非游離輻射管制標準,及非游離輻射防護法草案訂定,同時進行民眾教育溝通。計畫期間,陸續蒐集國內外相關的電磁波立法法規共9篇,每日有關電磁波的相關新聞16篇及國內外相關文獻資料20篇,並藉翻譯瑞士、義大利等國相關法規文件,並參考國外立法依據研擬國內非游離輻射防護立法草案,對於臺灣地區之一般環境,設定以ICNIRP之標準訂定非游離輻射標準,另針對低頻(60Hz)輸配電設施對於敏感地區所產生之非游離輻射,建議採取瑞士之預防原則精神以及義大利之減量目標概念,特別設定磁通量密度為8.33μT之標準。此外,本計畫製作「認識電磁波」之生活指引手冊,藉以手冊的方式提升民眾對於電磁波的認識,讓民眾對電磁波有正確的觀念。 本年度分別於台南、台北、花蓮、台中各舉辦1個場次,邀請學者專家及電力、電信業者參與對民眾之溝通宣導會,藉以解決民眾對於電磁波的諸多困惑,並減少不必要的恐慌和對立。四場次參與人數達400人以上。由民眾所提之意見得知,一般民眾最想知道電磁場對於健康之影響為何?以及應如何避免電磁場傷害等問題。
EngTitle The project for the Non-Ionizing Radiation communication conference and protection standard draft.
EngAbstract One of the conclusions for the International Forum on Sustainable Development 2006 is "Considering the potential threat of the non-ionizing radiation, the existing standard should be reviewed, investigation, research and prevention should be positive, and the ordinance relating to Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation should be formulated". Therefore, in order to respond the request of the populace, draw up the project collecting the references about characteristic of the non-ionizing radiation, assisting to discuss the existing non-ionizing radiation standard, legislating the draft of electromagnetic field (EMF) protection standard, and simultaneously educating and communicating with the populace. 9 domestic and foreign EMF legislation and regulations, 16 related news and 20 domestic and foreign references were collected. The ordinances of Switzerland and Italy were translated to refer and draw up the draft of EMF protection stand in Taiwan. In our opinion, the EMF standard for the general environment should be obeyed the suggestion of ICNIRP in 1998. In addition, for the precautionary principle, like the concept of Switzerland, and the decrement goal concept of the Italy, the magnetic-flux density produced by the low frequency (60Hz) power distribution facility have to lower than 8.33 μT for the place of sensitive use. In the education and communication part, we edit the handbook name "what is the electromagnetic field". It can be used to promote the knowledge of populace and make them having the correct concept of the EMF. On the other hand, We hold four conferences separately in Tainan, Taipei, Hualian, and Taichung in this project. The visitors include scholars, EMF experts, the electric power suppliers, the mobile phone dealer, and the populace. 400 people joined these four conferences. They have the full discussion and communication about the EMF in these conferences. The communication is useful for reducing the unnecessary panic and the opposition. The common responses of visitors including the request to know the health effect of EMF, and how to avoid the injury make by the EMF.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環境資源研究發展基金會