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Title 屏東縣95 年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫
Abstract 一、 柴油車檢測作業截至96年3月20日,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測1,535輛次,執行路邊攔車檢驗343輛次,共計執行有效之柴油車檢測作業為1,878輛次,目標達成率為100%。二、 非法油品稽查管制配合95年度油品計畫執行,柴油車油品含硫量檢測共計300件,在完成的300輛次抽驗樣品已全數完成化驗,檢驗不合格者有50輛次,目標達成率為100%。送驗不合格率為17%,而以整體攔車抽驗不合格率為3%。三、 預約系統本計畫於95年5月10日開始執行柴油車排煙檢測全面預約化,統計至96年2月底止已接受2,098部之車主實施預約檢測。四、 民眾檢舉案件處理95年度共計受理民眾檢舉高污染柴油車件數211件,扣除資料不全案件1件及不辦案件71件外,其餘139件已全部通知檢測,平均案件處理天數為34天,合乎環保署所規定之的45天,依環保署公佈之95年度柴油車民眾檢舉案件評分,本局達滿分標準。
EngTitle Diesel Vehicle Emission Inspection Project
EngAbstract The Bureau of Environmental Protection (EPB) of Pingtung County government has been executing these tasks as follows to reduce diesel vehicles emission pollution.1. Diesel vehicle emission inspection:During the executing period, 1,535 diesel vehicles were inspected in the dyno-station, and 343 diesel vehicles were examined by roadside inspection. Since 1,878 vehicles were inspected totally, the main goal of this project was achieved.2. Illegal diesel fuel examination:The project was asked to coordinate with “Diesel Fuel Qualities Examining Plan. There were totally 1,502 diesel vehicles roadside blocked 1502, and 300 samples sent to analysis. The result of analysis shows that 51 samples were disqualified. 3. Inspection booking system:After the inspection booking system set up, 2,098 vehicle owners had made appointment before inspection.4. The dealing of high-pollution vehicle report:211 high pollutant diesel vehicles report were received, and 139 were accepted. All accepted cases were informed to inspect their diesel vehicle. The average case processing time was 34 days, meets the standard processing time-- 45 days.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司