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Title 執行液化石油氣氣價補助及查核暨污染減量實車測試專案工作計畫
Abstract 本年度執行95年1月至95年12月共12個月份「降低車用液化石油氣售價」補助款申請案之審查及撥款工作,並完成80站次加氣站現場查核。目前營業中加氣站有16座、平均每個月核准LPG 620萬公升、較去年成長35%,加氣車輛數超過1萬輛、較去年成長40%。累計自90年實施氣價補助以來,每月發氣量已成長300%、加氣車輛數成長200%、加氣站數量成長77%。 在國際推動資訊方面,澳洲政府自2005年9月起公布一個為期8年的政策,提供最高2千澳幣補助款,以鼓勵民眾使用LPG車,英國、澳洲、大陸及香港等地區開始使用LPG機車及開發LPG/柴油混燒技術。國內現況方面,發氣量及每月加氣車輛數均較去年增加,且多數加氣站已有盈收,並有二座新站開業以及數家籌建案進行中,顯示環保署補助氣價政策確實提升LPG車使用意願。 依照實車測試之結果,LPG車在CO、HC、NOX、揮發性有機物、多環芳香族、臭氧潛勢及醛酮類化合物等方面均有程度不同之減量效益。且根據兩位不同背景專家之風險評估研究顯示,LPG車對人體健康之衝擊低於汽油車,在相同評估條件下,LPG車廢氣之致癌風險、非致癌風險都比汽油低40%以上,另外若以每一位民眾生命價值70萬美金計算,推動使用LPG車可減少37,100~144,200萬美金的生命價值。
EngTitle The Subsidy to debase the price of LP-Gas
EngAbstract Works of reviewing subsidy application cases and allocating fund were conducted during the period from January 2006 to December 2006, There are 16 gas stations and more than 10,000 vehicles , checked and approve LPG 6,200,000 liters per month, grew up 35% last more year. Also checking gas stations 80 times. Australian government announces a policy lasting 8 years since September of 2005, offer highest Australia's $2,000 subsidize in order to encourage the people to use LPG car, Britain , Australia , mainland China and Hong Kong ,etc. begin to use LPG motorcycle and develop LPG / diesel oil mix technology. In Domestic, the LPG consumption and the number of LPG vehicle are increase stably. Most gas stations were able to make profit, two more new Service stations will open for business soon and several establish cases are under construction. This outcome indicated that EPA’s subsidy strategy increased the willingness to use LPG vehicles. According to the test result of Bi-fuel vehicles, LPG can reduce chemical compound such as CO , HC , NOX , VOC , PAH , OFP,etc in vary degree . also LPG has lower potential to affect the human health than the petrol, under the same condition of assessing, the carcinogenic risks and non- carcinogenic risks of the LPG are all lower by more than 40% than the petrol, Assume 700,000 dollars for every people's life in addition, promote and use the LPG car can save 37,100- 144,20 ten thousand dollars lost.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心