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Title 固定污染源揮發性有害空氣污染物周界濃度管制標準研擬計畫
Abstract 本計畫透過對30廠次特定行業固定污染源周界及排放管道揮發性有害空氣污染物排放特性之調查,並彙整歷年國內揮發性有害空氣污染物相關計畫執行之成果,以及先進國家周界濃度管制標準及背景資料的蒐集、分析及彙整,藉以提供更完整的背景資料,做為研擬更紮實周界濃度管制標準的依據,進而修訂25種特定揮發性有害空氣污染物之周界濃度管制標準建議值。完成之工作成果包括31廠次(62點次)周界排放特性調查對象之檢測作業、45家特定行業防制設備與5家石化業設備元件法規符合度查核、及150點次石化業設備元件揮發性有機物圍封檢測。此外,並研擬25種揮發性有害空氣污染物周界濃度標準建議值,彙整歷年設備元件圍封檢測成果,進而建立本土化石化業設備元件洩漏之排放係數。其次,完成國外周界相關管制策略資料及國內外周界濃度檢測方法資料蒐集彙整,並規劃應建置之周界濃度檢測方法清單,協助修訂餐飲業法規草案與建議餐飲業油煙管制應採防制設備處理效能之驗證機制等工作。
EngTitle Establishing peripheral boundary concentration standards for Hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds from Stationary Sources
EngAbstract The project will investigate the peripheral boundary pollution and the volatile hazardous air pollutant emission characteristic of process stack from 30 specific stationary sources. The results, as well as the previous achievements, and the background information on peripheral control standards from advanced countries, will be complied into complete background information, which serves as the basis of drawing up control standard of the peripheral boundary concentration, and making recommendation for revision for 25 specific volatile hazardous air pollutants.The tasks performed included the investigation of emission characteristic of the peripheral boundary from 31 factories (62 spots), the pollution preventive equipment from 45 specific factories, and the volatile organic compounds emission rate of 150 elements of equipments from 5 petrochemical factories. In addition, we would frame the suggested standard values of peripheral boundary concentration for the 25 specific volatile hazardous air pollutants, and collected the entire information of previous years to establish VOCs emission rate of the equipment components in local petrochemical industry. We also correlated the information of the peripheral boundary for control and strategy from foreign countries and collected domestic and foreign examination methods of peripheral boundary as well. We also collected the control information of emission from restaurant operations in foreign countries. The results assisted to drafting the regulations of the restaurant business, and to suggest the verification of the pollution preventive equipments.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院