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Title 桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫
Abstract 桃園縣政府環境保護局委託美商傑明顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司(MWH)執行「桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫」,總計包括中興段131-6、131-7、131-8、148-1、154、154-2、155、155-2、207、208及210-1等11筆地號,面積約5.6公頃,及觀音鄉大潭地區1筆地號,面積約0.28公頃,主要為土壤重金屬鎘、銅、鎳及鉻的污染。本計畫執行期間為民國95年12月5日至96年12月4日,美商傑明公司已完成本計畫相關工作內容。本計畫之土壤污染改善作業分為改善前置作業、土壤補充調查及改善規劃設計、土壤污染改善、成果驗證以及地力回復等五階段。土壤污染改善主要以土壤翻轉混合稀釋法進行,以達到土壤污染食用作物農地管制標準以下為目標(鎘5mg/kg、銅200mg/kg、鎳200mg/kg及鉻250mg/kg)。由桃園縣環保局監督驗證結果顯示,各地號的土壤重金屬檢測結果皆符合食用作物農地之管制標準,已達改善目標。依土壤及地下水污染整治法第二十條規定,建議桃園縣環保局將改善完成成果陳報行政院環保署後,解除各農地控制場址之列管。
EngTitle Soil remediation for heavy metals-contaminated farmland in Lujhu Township of Taoyuan County
EngAbstract The project is about the soil remediation of heavy metals-contaminated farmland Control Site in Chung-Fu areas of Lujhu Township, Taoyuan County. Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (TYEPB) entrusted MWH to carry out the plan. First, it included 11 numbers lands of the Chung-Hing section, which were 131-6,131-7,131-8,148-1,154,154-2,155, 155-2,207,208and No.210-1. The improvement area was approximately 5.6 hectares. The second, , it included 1 numbers lands in the Tai-Tam area of Guanyin Township. The improvement area was approximately 0.28 hectares. The major heavy metals-contaminated of soil were cadmium, the copper, the nickel and the chromium.This plan execution period was from December 5th, 2006 to December 4th, 2007. MWH has carried out this plan and completed all work during the period. This improvement work were divided into five stages, including pre-improvement work, the supplement investigation and design, the soil pollution improvement, the result verification and the farmland reconstruction and restoration. It took soil mixture and dilution method as the improvement way. The main goal after the improvement was to reduce the concentration of soil heavy metal to lower than the Food Crops Farmland Soil Control Standards (Cadmium 5mg/kg; Copper 200mg/kg; Nickel 200mg/kg; Chromium 250mg/kg).By the supervision and verification of TYEPB, the heavy metals concentration of the improvement soil were lower than the Food Crops Farmland Soil Control Standards. MWH had already completed the soil pollution remediation work. According to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Article 20, suggested that TYEPB must announce the removal of controls and restrictions on the Control Site.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司