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Title 水污染防治法新增事業調查及法規輔導計畫
Abstract 依據本專案計畫契約項目,包括:調查及建立新增事業名稱電子資料檔、辦理相關法規宣導及諮詢輔導、提出計畫執行情形分析報告、提出具體實施計畫、工作報告、期中報告、期末報告、全國各縣市環保局討論會、現勘方式確認者建立之事業名單等相關內容,規劃相關工作執行進度,其執行之成果摘要如下。1、水污染防治法事業分類及定義於94年12月6日公告發布,並區分發布施行及96年7月1日施行之對象,而本計畫之對象範圍為該96年7月1日起施行之對象。故本會依其列管定義及執行狀況整理出新增事業之範圍及執行對象,彙整本計畫所屬新增事業種類計23類新增事業範圍。2、本會已執行自來水水質水量保護區行政區範圍之蒐集及彙整作業,係自經濟部水利署之自來水水質水量保護區水源保育及回饋業務之網站,整理出各縣市自來水水質水量保護區行政區範圍之公告及地圖。3、本計畫依新增事業名單來源加以調查,取得初步之新增事業名單約有30,386筆。水系統中疑似事業名單經篩選後,初步符合本計畫新增事業條件之行業別以畜牧業所占比例最高,占60.9%,其次為其他工業占11.1%。另自各類來源蒐集之初步名單經篩選後,其新增事業條件之行業別以其他工業之新增家數為最多,占全部家數35.3%,其次為洗衣業占全部家數10.7%。4、本計畫新增事業中無列管條件之事業包括:陶窯業、水泥業、清艙業、實驗室、動物園、土石加工業、土石堆置場及營建工地,除營建工地外,其餘行業於名單來源蒐集並與水系統勾稽後,即可視為本計畫新增事業之確認名單。本計畫中無適用條件之事業初步名單來源資料共2,962家,經水系統篩選排除後計有2,111家應為列管事業。5、本計畫由環保署內各業務單位相關之資訊管理系統、各產業同業公會、各目的事業主管機關及其他(如網際網路資訊)等名單來源共計取得30,806家,其中排除已受水污染管理系統列管者、資料明顯不符合者及畜牧業者後為16,910家。後續經調查計畫之各項作業(電訪、問卷、現勘及蒐集文獻資料推估等方式)篩選排除,並考量管制成本,輔以事業規模(工廠員工人數超過30人)為篩選條件,最終提出11,243家可能之新增列管名單(含事業基本資料檔)供環保署作為後續執行管制之依據。另配合彙整環保署95年度溫泉事業調查計畫所提供之溫泉業者757家,兩者合計為12,000家。6、本計畫之新增事業名單篩選作業共計傳真問卷調查表至3,011家疑似列管之事業單位,其中給予回函的事業計95家,問卷回覆率為3.16%。另完成現勘104家疑似新增列管事業,於執行現勘作業時,除針對水污染產生有關之製程、廢污水產生、收集及排放情形詳細調查,以確認其適用條件外,同時亦針對疑似新增事業單位進行法規宣導及建議改善方式等輔導作業。7、篩選後新增行業別家數之縣市別以台北縣為最多,共計有2,302家共占全部家數19.18%,其中以其他工業達1,023家佔最多;次之為台北市2,192家,占全部家數18.27%,以洗衣業987家佔最多;再次之為桃園縣1,193家,占全部家數9.94%,以其他工業545家佔最多。若以區域劃分,北部地區(為基隆以南、新竹以北)之新增行業別家數占全部家數52.47%;中部地區(為苗栗以南、嘉義以北)之新增行業別家數占全部家數21.58;南部地區(為台南以南、屏東以北)之新增行業別家數占全部家數19.08%;東部地區(為宜蘭、花蓮、台東及外島等地)之新增行業別家數占全部家數6.87%。若以行業別而言,其他工業之新增家數為最多,占全部家數28.41%,又以台北縣分布最多;其次為洗衣業占全部家數15.6%,以台北市分布最多;再其次為營建工地占全部家數11.47%,仍以台北市分布最多。8、本會於95年7月21日完成諮詢人員教育訓練,並製作諮詢作業手冊及設置三線諮詢輔導專線(27555962、27026472及27026491),提供各新增事業詢問有關水污法相關事宜。9、完成水污染防治法新增列管事業宣導手冊,並寄送該手冊予疑似新增列管事業(10,100家),進行水污染法規之宣導及輔導,達成法制推動之目的。
EngTitle Investigation and Law Consultancy Project of New Enterprises Under the Water Pollution Control Act
EngAbstract Owing to the amendment of the Water Pollution Control Act and relevant regulations, the meaning of “enterprises”, which must be governed by the Act, had been broadened. Therefore, there is a need to find out those “new enterprises” to fulfill the requirements of the laws. The main purposes of this Project are to enlist and inform those “new enterprises.” The followings are summaries of this Project’s major results: 1. The “Official Announcement of Determination of the Water Pollution Control Act Industry Classifications and Definitions” was issued in December 6, 2005. According to the said law, some enterprises must be governed by the law immediately after the regulation issued, but the others will not be regulated until July 1, 2007. The later is the so-called “new enterprises” by definition. There are 23 categories of new enterprises.2. Since new enterprises within or outside the “drinking water source quality protection areas” may governed by different standards, the Project had classified all “drinking water source quality protection areas” in Taiwan province according to the Water Resources Agency of the Ministry of the Economic Affairs at the very first. 3. The Project had collected 30,386 new enterprises in the beginning, among them, mostly were “livestock industry” (comprises 60.9% of all new enterprises), “other industry” was second by 11.1%.4. Enterprises enlisted as “new enterprises” are those with effluents exceed effluent standards, which are varied by industry categories. However, there are some industry categories with no specific effluent standards and which means if any enterprise falling into those industry categories it is enlisted as “enterprises” with no exceptions. Those industry categories are termed as “no requirements categories”, which include: ceramic industry, cement industry, ship cleaning industry, experimental/testing (chemical) and research laboratories, zoos, soil and gravel processing industry, soil and gravel storage (disposal) sites and construction sites. The Project had collected 2,962 enterprises of “no requirements categories” at first, after compared with the “Water System” and deducted some already enlisted, there are 2,111 new enterprises of the “no requirements categories” in the list. 5. After the first run of screening, there were 30,806 enterprises in total. By hading compared with the “Water System”, and deducted some already enlisted and the livestock industry, there were still 16,910 enterprises in the second run. Then deducted via further screening by questionnaires, the Project had submitted 11,243 enterprises in total. (If combined with 757 hot spring enterprises proposed by another project, there were 12,000 “new enterprises” in total.)6. The Project team had faxed questionnaires to 3011 suspected “new enterprises”, but received only 95 reply (the returning rate was 3.16%). The Project also conducted 104 site audits to confirm the suspected “new enterprises” were sure targeted “new enterprises”. 7. If grouped by Counties, the Taipei County is toped by 19.18%, which has 2,302 “new enterprises” in total (among which, mostly are categorized as “other industry”); the Taipei City is the second, with 18.27% or 2,192 “new enterprises” (among which, mostly are “laundry industry”); the Taoyuan County is the third, with 1,193 or 9.94% “new enterprises” (among which, mostly are “other industry”). According to the final results of the Project, more than half (52.47%) of the “new enterprises” are located in the northern part of Taiwan, in the rest, 21.58% are located in the middle, 19.08% in the southern and of 6.87% in the eastern part of Taiwan. In terms of industry categories, the “other industry” is topped by 28.41%; “laundry industry” is second by 15.6% and “construction industry” is third by 11.47%.8. The Project had set up 3 specific telephone lines (02-27555962、02-27026472 and 02-27026491) to answering questions about the new amendments of the Water Pollution Control Act and relevant regulations. Staffs engaged in this Project had all been trained before July 21, 2006. 9. After the “new enterprises” list had been established, the Project mail educational brochures to those 10,100 “new enterprises”.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會