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Title 第三代會計系統(I)開發專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署於1996成立「空氣污染防制基金」,初期為便於會計帳務處理,僅倚賴簡易套裝軟體以處理帳務工作,惟伴隨1998年成立資源回收管理基金、2001年成立之土壤及地下污染整治基金、以及2006年成立之水污染防制基金,原賴以處理各分基金會計帳務之套裝軟體,已無法負荷各項會計事務以及業務施政管理之需。行政院環境保護署「第三代會計系統(I)開發專案工作計畫」為建置主管之環境保護基金(包括空氣污染防制基金、資源回收管理基金、土壤及地下水污染整治基金、水污染防制基金)、資源回收管理基金-信託部分、清潔人員執行職務死亡濟助基金等基金整體會計業務運作所需之資訊系統, 從預算編列、預算控制、會計審核、會計帳務、出納作業至決算書製作採一貫作業外,並進一步統合各項補助、委辦計畫,建立對外部單位之資料傳遞機制,以達到流程、內控、稽核自動化之成效。本案同時導入行政院主計處推動之「就源輸入原則」,由環境保護基金業務單位於啟動預算編列、收支估計作業時,即由各業務單位同仁逕行上線輸入編列,並於交易事項發生時,直接進入基金會計系統登打動支明細,並由會計單位藉由電子資訊傳遞加以審核,避免現有人工重複登打、比對、彙整等作業,除增加業務單位對預算支用之自主性,亦增進會計數據之正確性,以提升行政效能。
EngTitle The third generation of Accounting System (I) development plan
EngAbstract In 1996 to 2001, The EPA only relies the packaged software to process the accountant bookkeeping works. And later, the packaged software has been unable to afford neither the each item of accounting business nor the need of the service administration management.For Consistent works, the EPA「The third generation of Accounting System (I) development plan」wish to establish the management systems can deal with the budget planning, the admission of accounting application , and the accountant bookkeeping. Works. Those works can be general development service information of system work, and also retains in advance the surface specification that transfers the files with the other systems of EPA. Further achieved the results of system conformity flow, inner controls and the automatic of the information systems.After carries out this case, the systems becomes the following result:In using aspect:a. All of then Accounting Systems will be electronically.b. Upgrades administrative potency by inducts “The principle of original unit inputs the data ".c. Reducing the load of working by data sharing.d. For controlling then progress of each budget plan, providing the functions to city governments which’s filling the executive achievements.e. Receiving the voucher news by Email.f. Verifying and checking the data on-line.In managing aspect:a. Establishing the standard flows of this accounting works.b. Controlling the assess.c. To avoid the application repetitiously.d. Querying the execution of budget plans immediately.e. To display different colors for each kind of situationf. Integration the authority control and the AD system.g. To public the news on the website home page in the accounting system.h. Protecting the security by limiting the authority.In decision of strategic aspect:Provides the officer rapidly to draw up each of the policy goal, and help the execution of the accounting works.To sum up, this system inducts “The principle of original unit inputs the data “which is the Executive Yuan planning to avoid the budget, accounting bookkeeping and other works data repetitiously. And also let the system promotes accuracy of the accounting data, upgrades administrative potency.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 康大資訊股份有限公司