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Title 逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制推動及檢討
Abstract 目前我國空氣污染物問題係由臭氧(O3)及懸浮微粒(PM10)所引起,95年全國空氣品質不良計有863站日(有效測定站日數為20,760站日),其中以懸浮微粒為指標污染物計有352站日(佔41﹪),環保署為改善空氣品質,自93年起推動逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制計劃,陸續研擬固定污染源逸散性製程作業、營建工程施工作業、車行揚塵、裸露地風蝕揚塵及露天燃燒等污染源管制策略,並加以推動。本計畫主要協助環保署督導及提升各縣市環保局逸散污染源管制成效,計畫執行期間配合推動固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物防制設施管理辦法草案及土石採取處理業空氣污染防制費徵收草案法制作業,並規劃相關配套措施。另針對露天燃燒及民俗活動燃燒等空氣污染問題,調查各縣市污染現況及管制措施,並參考國外先進國家管制經驗,研擬可行之管制策略,作為環保署後續政策推動參考。此外,為落實95年1月5日公告之「公私場所固定污染源引擎使用之液體燃料超過限值或種類者,為易致空氣污染之物質」,針對全國營建工程施工機具進行720處油品含硫量抽測,調查分析國內營建工程施工機具種類、數量及使用年份等資料,研擬營建工程施工機具空氣污染物排放管制制度。另配合執行環保署對於各縣市之逸散污染源管制執行績效考評作業,分析各縣市執行成果及空氣品質改善成效,並完成720處營建工程污染管制成效現場查核作業及72處周界粒狀污染物檢測工作,針對各縣市逸散污染源管制提出具體改善建議。
EngTitle Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions.
EngAbstract Air pollution in Taiwan is mainly caused ozone (O3) and particulates (PM10). In 2006, the air quality was extremely poor on 863 monitoring days (out of 20,760 effective monitoring days). The major pollutant in 352 monitoring days was PM10 (41%). In order to improve air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in 2004 implemented its Control Strategies for Fugitive Particulate Emissions. The purposes of the initiative are to standardize management procedures for fugitive particulate emissions of stationary sources, pollution of construction sites, and dust from traffic, exposed land, and fires. The Administration is also responsible for the execution of the policy. The main goal of the plan is to help the Environmental Protection Agency to supervise and improve local governments’ control of fugitive particulate emissions. The plan is implemented alongside the Draft Management Regulations of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources and the Draft of Quarry Air Pollution Emissions Charge Policy. Supplementary measures are also planned. To deal with air pollution from open fires and from traditional religious activities, the Administration investigated current pollution and its countermeasures. Viable strategies were then enacted with reference to the pollution control experiences of advanced nations. They will serve as a reference for the Environmental Protection Agency in future policy-making.Furthermore, to carry out the “Control Act of Liquid Fuel Pollution in Public or Private Settings” announced on January 5, 2006, construction equipment fuel at 720 sites was inspected for sulfur content. The types, number, and age of equipment were also recorded. The data will be used as a reference in the drafting of the Control Act of Construction Equipment Emissions.The Environmental Protection Administration has also evaluated the performance of local governments on controlling fugitive particulate emissions. Pollution control performance was inspected at 720 construction sites, and peripheral particulate detection was conducted at 72 sites. The Administration then provided specific recommendations on how to improve the control of fugitive particulates for each locality according to the results.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司