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Title 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢照明光源類)專案工作計畫
Abstract (一)行政院環保署依規定公開甄選程序評選為稽核認證團體,並依公告之稽核認證作業手冊執行稽核認證作業,而稽核認證主要目的如下:1. 建立確實、經濟、有效、公開、透明之稽核方法與程序,俾使回收清除處理工作皆能於公正、公平之狀態下推動。2. 針對公告應回收之一般廢棄物,確實認定其回收量與處理量。3. 查核、檢驗、勾稽、追蹤並防止回收清除處理各環節中可能之弊端與風險。4. 查核並輔導受補貼機構於回收清除處理作業上符合相關環保規範。(二)本專案計畫受補貼機構計有4家,每家受補貼機構須派2名稽核人員進行駐廠認證,由於受補貼機構地理分布較廣作業執行上需要充沛執行人力、周詳人員調度及行程安排、熟練之稽核認證專業技能。(三)計畫執行期間,受補貼機構各月之廢照明光源認證處理量如下:月份 95.04 95.05 95.06 95.07 95.08 95.09 95.10 95.11 95.12 96.01 96.02 96.03稽核認證量 434,704 445,228 414,007 375,085 427,282 386,235 405,777 380,840 402,105 415,224 291,443 329,453單位:公斤(四)於計畫執行期間,共執行稽核認證920場次,從執行作業中可見受補貼機構在回收分類的工作上有極大成效,本年度各受補貼機構進廠之廢照明光源挑除之雜質,從95年4月至96年3月共扣除雜質332.6 kg,違規扣重方面扣除23.1 kg,合計扣重355.7 kg。(五)由於廢照明光源之稽核認證作業係採取完全挑除雜質後才進廠認證,因此在本年度之稽核認證結果,並無如其他回收材質有補貼金額因扣除認證回收量與進廠量之間的差異量所節省的補貼金額;唯因完全挑除雜質,使進廠量即為回收量及處理量,故實際執行上仍使本計畫之補貼費用完全發放於廢照明光源回收物,達到計畫之效益。(六)本專案計畫就受補貼機構之作業程序與環境方面執行查核,若發現有不符規範的情事,要求受補貼機構限期改善,並追蹤確認改善成效。在95年4月至96年3月期間,共執行作業程序稽核與環境查核各920場次,作業程序稽核不合格次數77次,僅佔0.4%,環境查核不合格次數96次,佔1.49%,足見本專案計畫輔導稽核認證之成效。藉由此項查核與要求,輔導受補貼機構於處理環節亦皆能符合相關環保規定。如此,稽核認證作業對於公告應回收廢照明光源之回收清除處理達致數量之確認及品質之確保。(七)在攝錄監視系統查核方面,在95年4月至96年3月期間,發生次99件異常,經本專案之輔導後,均能迅速將異常解決,並持續追蹤輔導受補貼機構,防範異常之再度發生;會計稽核方面,於95年4月至96年3月間,共執行7場次,查核結果良好;內部稽核共執行22場次,共44人次受稽;其他諸如教育訓練方面,95年4月至95年3月間,合計執行40小時。(八)稽核認證作業事項繁瑣,茲整體專案執行成果摘要整理如下:執行項目 執行成果(計畫執行時間:95年4月 至 96年03月)稽核認證 計畫期間共執行920場次。執行效益 (1)雜質扣量332.6 kg。(2)違規扣量23.1 kg。(3)計畫期間合計扣重355.7 kg。作業與環境查核 (1) 作業程序稽核與環境查核各執行920場次。(2) 作業程序稽核不合格次數77次,占0.4%。(3) 環境查核不合格次數96次,占1.49%。CCTV (1) CCTV異常:合計99件。異常事件記點 (1) 其他異常:無。會計查核 (1)計畫期間共執行7次。內部稽核 (1)計畫期間共執行22場次。(2)共44人次受稽。教育訓練 (1) 計畫期間至目前為止,共執行教育訓練總時數40小時。(九)本專案計畫之執行,除堅持貫徹作業規定確保作業品質外,並以實際執行經驗就攝錄監視系統、衍生廢棄物、作業程序與環境之查核、行程及人力運用等問題提出作業檢討與改善建議,使稽核認證作業與回收清除處理體系之管理皆得以持續改善。
EngTitle Project of inspection and certification fair body on the collection, clearance, disposal of the general waste (waste fluorescent light tubes)
EngAbstract A. In accordance with relevant regulations, EPA, through open selection procedure, evaluates and selects fair bodies, and fair bodies execute the inspection and certification operation by the promulgated inspection and certification operation manual. Main functions and purposes of the inspection and certification operation are as under:1. To establish practical, economic, efficient, open, and transparent inspection methods and procedure, so that the works of the collection, clearance, and disposal could be promoted in a fair condition.2. To ascertain the collection and processing quantities of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.3. To check, inspect, cross-check, follow and prevent any possible malpractices and risks in the process of the collection, clearance, and disposal.4. To check and facilitate the collection, clearance, disposal operations in recycling organizations to meet related environment protection regulations.B. There are 4 wasted fluorescent light tubes recycling organizations, this project demands 2 inspectors at a recycling organizations for the inspection and certification operation. Due to geographical locations of recycling organizations, this project demands sufficient manpower, thorough arrangement of the inspectors and schedules, and experienced inspection and certification expertise.C. The execution of this project, the certified collection volume of waste fluorescent light tubes are as under:Month 95.04 95.05 95.06 95.07 95.08 95.09 95.10 95.11 95.12 96.01 96.02 96.03Collection volume(kg) 434,704 445,228 414,007 375,085 427,282 386,235 405,777 380,840 402,105 415,224 291,443 329,453D. During project, we executed the inspection and certification operation 851 times in total. The project had great benefit on works of the collection, clearance and disposal. From April, 2006 to February, 2007, there were 332.6 kg impurities and 23.1 kg irregulars be deducted from weights of wasted fluorescent light which into recycling organizations. There were total 355.7 kg wasted fluorescent light be deducted.E. Due to the execution of this project discriminate against impurity before inspection. Even so, some materials or objects, which are not the promulgated general waste, had occasionally been mixed in the objects to be inspected and certified. Solely through the job of impurity inspection, the execution unit of this project has not saved recycling fund like another waste material. But the inspection and certification operation could achieve the quantity ascertainment and quality assurance in the collection, clearance, disposal of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.F. In the meanwhile, this project has checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations. If any irregularities found, the execution unit of this project will require the recycling organizations to improve and follow up the results of their improvement. From April, 2006 to February, 2007, we had executed 920 checks of recycling process and the environment. The checks of recycling process were found 77 unqualified cases, the unqualified rate was 0.4%. The checks of environment were found 96 unqualified cases, equal to 1.49 %. Thus, the inspection and certification operation could achieve the quantity ascertainment and quality assurance in the collection, clearance, disposal of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.G. There were 99 CCTV unusual cases occurred from April, 2006 to February, 2007. After project’s assistance, the recycling organizations could solve contraventions quickly. We will follow up the results of improvement. We had practiced 7 accounting examinations from April, 2006 to February, 2007. The results of accounting examinations were good. We had practiced 22 internal examinations, there were 44 members be examined in total. Otherwise, there were 40 hours job training be carried out from April, 2006 to February, 2007. H. We list the achievement efforts in the duration time of the project as under:Executed work Achievements (April, 2006 ~ February, 2007)Inspection and certification (1) Completing 920 times in the period of time.Beneficial results (1) Discount the weight of impurities on waste fluorescent light tubes are 332.6 kg.(2) Discount the weight of violated regulations on wasted fluorescent light tubes are 23.1 kg, total is 355.7 kg.Examined the assignments process and environment (1) Carrying out 920 times of examining the assignments process and environment.(2) The disqualified parts of process examination are 77 times, equal to 0.4%.(3) The disqualified parts of environmental examination are 96 times, equal to 1.49%.CCTV (1) Contravention of CCTV:92 documents.Demerit scores (1) Other Contraventions:nothingExamined on accounting (1) Carrying out 7 times.The internal inspect and audit (1) Carrying out 22 times.(2) There were 44 members be examined. Education and training (1) The job training reaches to 40 hours during the time.I. The execution of this project not only insists on the operation regulations to assure the quality, but also, based on execution experiences, bring forth operation review and improvement proposal on the issues of CCTV, generated waste, checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations, inspection manpower and schedules, in a view that the inspection and certification operation and the management of the recycling system could be continually improved.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司