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Title 95-96年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫
Abstract 整治費自民國90年11月徵收至今,徵收金額已達38億元,本計畫執行總計完成3,220件之申報案件審理工作,並將寄發審理結果通知繳費人。在完成各季申報案件審查後,即並請會計師進行整治費收入與申報資料核對工作,並逐季提送會計核章報告至環保署。現場稽核作業方面,本計畫共執行321件現場查核工作。疑似未申報及待確認之化學物質方面,以「潤滑油/脂/膏」為最大宗。本計畫現場稽核及後續追蹤之追繳金額總計3,618,685元。追繳金額前五大物種鉛、二氯乙烷、有機溶劑、丁烷及丁醇追繳金額佔總追繳金額之73.47%。網路申報率自92年度首季32.63%,目前已達76.57%,申報率已超過書面申報,也為目前各類環保基金最高。本年度加強輔導繳費金額較多之繳費人網路申報,故網路申報案件之繳納金額比例,從以前最低8.22%,提高至目前87.95%,網路申報之案件數及金額雙方面比例均獲得顯著成長。另自96年1月份開放網路申報出口退費,目前出口退費網路申報率已有29%,未來將逐一與未使用網路申報出口退費之繳費人連繫,了解不採用之原因並加以改進,努力提升出口退費網路申報率。在法規制度研修部分,本計畫除蒐集美國超級基金最新狀況,並配合目前政策進行環境費用整合研析、能源稅徵收對整治費之影響分析等,另配合土污法修法提出擴大費基建議方案。此外,召開專家學者座談會與業界座談會,並將與會委員、業者之寶貴意見彙整提供環保署做為修訂收費制度之參考本計畫同時協助環保署研擬增列目前無對應貨品號列之整治費徵收物質貨品號列,以利國貿局作為後續增列稅則號別參考依據。其它技術服務工作包括:提供專線電話及專屬網站供繳費人諮詢,辦理3場次土壤及地下水污染整治費申報作業、制度座談會,並將業者反映意見彙整送環保署參考,順暢整治費徵收作業。
EngTitle Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees in 2006
EngAbstract There is a total of NT$ 3,800,000,000 soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee have been collected since November, 2001. During the project execution period, a total of 3,220 soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee report had been reviewed, approved and notified to the fee payers. As the quarterly review and approval is fulfilled, it was audited by the accountant regarding the collected Remediation fees and fee reporting information. Then the quarterly audit reports were submitted to EPA by the accountant.In respect of the on-site inspections’ part, there are totally 321 on-site inspections had been taken during the project execution period. It was found that the lubricants were the major chemical substances that required to be confirmed for its quantity and appearance. Through the follow-up on-site inspections, a total of NT$ 3,618,685 evaded fees had been pursued. About 73.47% of the respective evaded fees are as results from failing declaration of Lead, Di-chloro ethane, Organic solvents, Butane and Butanol.The internet filing system of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee reporting has increased from 32.6% in 2004 to 76.6% in 2007. The percentage of internet filing has increased from 8.22% to 87.9% regarding the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee reporting. The internet filing system regarding those export chemical substances have also been set up in Jan. 2007. The usage rate of this newly set-up internet filing system was 29% in the beginning.In respect of regulation revision part, information regarding the most updated U.S. Superfund situation had been collected. And the potential impact of collecting soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees on the collection of environmental tax, energy tax policy had also been evaluated through this project. Besides, expanding the remediation fees collection criteria had been recommended based on the revised Soil Pollution Regulation. And the consulting meeting had been held with experts, scholars and fee payers to discuss the drafted alternatives.This project also assists EPA to establish CCC code for those chemical substances currently without the CCC code which will provide as a reference for the Bureau of Foreign Trade when adding those chemical substances to the CCC code list. The technical consultation services also include providing special telephone lines and web system and related consultation to fee payers. Three convening meetings were held with the fee payers regarding the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees filing system and the comments from fee payers were summarized and provided to EPA as a reference.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司