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Title 資源回收處理體系檢討暨長期政策綱要訂定計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要研究範圍乃以訂定長期性之「資源回收指導綱要計畫」為主要以作為未來資源回收制度改善之參考。為了有效達成本計畫研究目標之需求,並具體協助行政單位就目前之政策內容進行規劃,根據計畫目標及主要項目,本研究分5項個主要範圍進行研究:(1)國內基本資料現況調查的主要工作重點在於繳費業者及回收處理業者的調查訪問與分析,一方面釐清各公告項目的責任業者範圍;另一方面則進行回收處理廠商之調查,以瞭解回收量與管道行為者之相互關係;(2)資源回收成效策略研擬方面的分析,則進行和目前資源回收體系有關的制度議題政策性研究,包括廢家電與資訊項目調整合併之配套研擬、聯合櫃臺制度的簡化與配套研擬、歐盟指令如WEEE等影響、兩法合一的配套研擬、以及目前法規的全面性檢討;(3)國外資源回收體系法令運作模式的調查,包括容器材質的使用趨勢;(4)針對回收率異常或單項材質信託基金收支異常探討其成因並研擬相關之退場機制與因應對策;(5)結合上述工作要項之成果,作為擬定我國5項材質(廢電子電器及廢資物品、廢機動車輛、廢照明光源、廢乾電池及各項材質容器)長期性之資源回收指導綱要計畫之草案。在各章節除詳細具體呈現研究成果外並附有針對該議題相關之結論與建議,最後並附上研究計畫執行期間舉行之產、官、學座談會會議紀錄以供參考。
EngTitle A Study of Correction for Recycling Disposal System and Constitution for Recycling Policy Guideline
EngAbstract Guided by the principles of integrated research, this project undertakes a comprehensive review and planning of all the issues relating to the recycling and treatment of waste objects in Taiwan. The aim is to use consistent definitions and methods to correction for recycling disposal system and constitution for recycling policy guideline that should be applied to different types of waste objects and the set of evaluation mechanism of countermand of due recycle waste.The project also involves research into institutional issues, such as the impact to recycling system when announcing new and countermanding items, the effect to recycling system as applying complete sorting for general solid waste, and the update of responsible proprietors. Also the investment and analysis of recycling system is proceed.In addition to the examination of issues relating to overseas and domestic for manufacturer and recycling, which includes surveys, estimates and recommendations for solving the various problems, the research project also covers the examination overseas of containers made from different materials. Finally, based on the synthesized information through this entire project, the research team made conclusions on the recycling necessity of the 5 recycling policy guidelines and suggestions for supplementary instrument installation or recycling regulation changes in the future. Otherwise, the investigation for operating cost for recycled and treated proprietors.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 中華經濟研究院