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Title 大型垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤中戴奧辛含量調查計畫
Abstract 木柵廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0388 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、2.16 與1.77 ng I-TEQ/kg。桃南廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0976 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、8.04 與3.49 ng I-TEQ/kg。將焚化廠各採樣點周界大氣與木柵廠、桃南廠及其他固定污染源及移動污染源煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行主要成分分析與階層群集分析,結果顯示周界大氣PCDD/Fs與各焚化廠無明顯關聯性。竹南廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0331 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、1.69與0.549 ng I-TEQ/kg。永康廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ濃度平均濃度分別為0.0368 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、2.41 與0.757 ng I-TEQ/kg。由於四季採樣期間竹南廠仍在建造中,而第一、二永康廠尚未試車運轉,第三、四季採樣時永康廠始試車運轉,本年度計畫中竹南廠及永康廠為背景值之資料建立,將作為未來該廠營運後對環境影響比較之參考資料。由環保署於89年及今年(95年)針對木柵廠和桃南之調查結果顯示大氣、植物、土壤PCDD/Fs等位軌跡圖之分佈和其他固定污染源之分佈相當密切,而與木柵廠和桃南廠無明顯之相關性。由t檢定結果可知,木柵廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs濃度較六年前有下降趨勢,但周界植物和土壤PCDD/Fs含量六年前後之變化並不顯著;由於89年桃南廠周界PCDD/Fs濃度為背景值資料(89年桃南廠仍建造中),桃南廠運轉6年後,即95年桃南廠周界介質PCDD/Fs濃度(含量),經與89年之結果進行t檢定分析後,結果顯示95年桃南廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs平均濃度皆低於六年前(89年)桃南廠營運前之背景周界大氣PCDD/Fs濃度,且代表長期累積之周界土壤PCDD/Fs含量亦較六年前(89年)為低。木柵廠及桃南廠運轉6年後之周界介質PCDD/Fs濃度(含量)均有下降趨勢應是由於環保署各類污染源PCDD/Fs排放標準生效後,使得89年至95年各類污染源總PCDD/Fs排放量下降所致,且桃南廠運轉6年後並未對當地PCDD/Fs造成增加之影響。
EngTitle Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby large-scale municipal solid waste incinerators
EngAbstract The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air nearby Muzha, Taonan, Chunan and Yongkang municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.0338, 0.0967, 0.0331 and 0.0368 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in Ficus leaves nearby these three MSWIs are 2.16, 8.04, 1.69 and 2.41 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these three MSWIs are 1.77, 3.49, 0.549 and 0.757 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA and Cluster Analysis, the PCDD/F influence from MSWIs on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources are found with elevated PCDD/F level.After six year’s operation, the dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby Muzha and Taonan MSWI still maintain in the same level. By analyses with the t test, there is no significant difference on the dioxin level after six years operation.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 第二科