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Title 工業區專用下水道系統操作及營運管理自動監測系統之研發計畫
Abstract 面對人類永續發展與水資源永續利用之需求,透過廢水處理系統的自動化與最佳化來提升廢水處理之穩定性、效率及效益,已成為必然的趨勢。開發光學非接觸式線上即時廢水水質與水量監測系統,其具有快速量測、不需外加藥劑、不干擾處理系統等優點,可有效解決及改善傳統量測或實驗分析所面臨之問題,並提供資料及資訊以輔助及提升自動化處理成效。本計畫針對工業區專用下水道系統(包括污水處理廠)之廢水水質水量自動監測需求,利用光學頻譜分析及影像頻譜分析技術,以及運用商場發展較成熟之光學影像量測系統,研究開發光學非接觸式水量水質自動化監測系統。目前研究成果於流量量測方面,其應用光學影像分析量測具有良好之準確度與穩定度外,更進一步結合三角函數及迴歸模式量測方法,其平均量測誤差百分比在2.5%內,不僅提供可用即時監測之修正機制,亦可降低量測環境影響或人為影響;於進放流水質量測方面,其懸浮固體量測在進流之量測平均誤差百分比約為13.6%,而真色度量測平均誤差百分比約為20%,利用光學頻譜分析技術於廢水中之COD、SS量測,其平均誤差百分比為皆在15%內;於重金屬(鐵)進放流水量測方面,量測差值分別為0.8mg/L與0.06mg/L。對於處理系統而言,其在放流水中成分較為穩定,故誤差相對減少。利用光學頻譜分析及影像頻譜分析方法,開發光學非接觸式水量水質自動化監測系統,研究結果顯示,廢水處理系統之進放流水質及水量量測具有良好準確度,除可作為工業區專用下水道系統之廢水水質水量自動監測系統,亦可用來建立廢水處理廠操作之預警系統,以提高廢水處理效率與效益。
EngTitle Develpment of Automatic Monitoring for Sewer System Operation and Management of Industrial Park
EngAbstract This study applies the digital image analysis method to develop an effective and economical method for on-line monitoring of the wastewater flow、true color and suspended solid. Experimental results show that digital image analysis method performed not only with good accuracy and precision but also high sensitivity in the measurement of flow、true color and suspended solid..In addition, this study is mainly to set up basic spectrum database and then develop a qualitative and quantitative samples for rapidly estimating concentration approximately, and the other is to quantitative the concentration of samples accurately. Scan the absorption spectrum of wastewater, and to calculate the concentration of composition using algorithm. Experimental results show that algorithm is useful and accuracy calculate the concentration of chemical oxygen demand、suspended solid and heavy metal.This study show applies digital image method and algorithm is useful and accuracy calculate flow、true color、suspended solid、oxygen demand and heavy metal respectively. The optical monitoring technology can provide wastewater on-line、real- time and, promote the wastewater treatment plant operate.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學育成中心