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Title 水質淨化生態工程/現地處理網頁製作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為順應環境永續發展潮流, 應用生態工程淨化河川溪流水體水質, 並加速河川集水區之水質、水量、生態等面向整合, 以落實環境保護與保育的目的。環保署補助各地方政府辦理自然淨化工程改善水質, 場址已達5 0 處以上, 而近年調查評估結果, 其水質處理成效逐年增加, 相較於傳統環境工程之污水處理, 所花費的成本低廉, 卻可得到相同或更佳的效果。因此, 環保署為推廣水質淨化生態工程, 選擇2 0 處人工溼地、現地處理場址, 透過本案執行完成2 1 處場址之地面拍攝與2 0 處場址之空中拍攝作業, 全部場址實際拍攝完成地面拍攝照片總數超過10 0 0 張, 空拍照片總數超過1 4 0 0 張, 同時完成2 處場址之宣導短片製作, 使用拍攝之照片設計以及2 0 0 8 年年曆設計完稿, 最後, 綜合前述各項成果, 再將案例之基本資料、處理單元、生態與人文、淨化成效等圖說照片資料整理, 透過網頁的建置, 以生動活潑的方式來強調水質淨化生態工程之生態及水質的功能與效益, 供社會大計畫成果中英文摘 要【簡要版】-2眾瀏覽、查詢, 達到宣導與教育的目的, 展現政府施政績效, 達到持續推動現地處理之目標。
EngTitle Web site implementation for water purifying engineering/on site treatment
EngAbstract To accommodate the tendency towards sustainable development ,Environmental Protection Administration applies ecologicalengineering to clean up the water of rivers and streams as well asaccelerate the integration of water ecological, quality and quantityin watershed so that the goal of environmental protection ispracticable. Environmental Protection Administration subsidizeslocal governments to process natural clarification over 50 sites.According to recent assessment, the effects increases year by year,and compared with traditional sewage t reatment , t he cost i s l ess andthe result is the same or better.Accordingly, Environmental Protection Administration chooses20 artificial wetland and processing sites to popularize water qualityclarification. They take pictures from ground as well as high up inthe air, then pick 2 sites to make short guidance film. The basicinformation, treatment uni t , ecological environment , culture, andclari fication effects of the cases are sorted. They emphasize thebenefits and functions of natural clarification in graphical and livelyway through the construction of the website. It provides the public amethod to view and inquire so the goal of education and guidance isachieved. In addition, the photos is also used to design the monthlycalendar of next year.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 千一科技股份有限公司