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Title 95年度再生資源再使用及再生利用推廣計畫
Abstract 本計畫爲協助環保署研擬公告再生資源再使用/再生利用項目,訂定再生產品之使用規定/規格及其國家標準,並輔導再使用及再生利用業者提昇技術及產品推廣。在研擬公告再生資源再使用/再生利用項目方面,其成果如下:1. 研擬十項再生資源再使用項目公告草案。包括:木材棧板、塑膠棧板、金屬棧板、紙棧板、電纜線鐵捲軸、太空袋、肥料包裝袋、活性碳、五十加侖(含)以上之工業用鐵桶及五十加侖(含)以上之工業用塑膠桶。2. 協助環保署舉辦再使用之再生資源項目及管理方式草案研商會議。訂定再生產品之使用規定/規格及其國家標準方面,其成果如下:1. 針對符合再生產品定義之國家標準進行調查,判定可能符合再生產品定義之相關國家標準共有2,173項,並以此範圍進行分析,其結果可做為相關再生產品國家標準之對照。2. 提出「木材、塑膠再生複合材」國家標準制定建議,做為未來相關再生產品制定國家標準參考之依據。輔導再使用及再生利用業者提昇技術及產品推廣方面,其成果如下:1. 建立諮詢輔導之作業流程2. 辦理再生資源再生利用法規輔導講習說明會兩場3. 辦理再生資源再生利用業者網路申報輔導講習說明會兩場
EngTitle The 2006 Project of the Promotion of Renewable Resource Reuse and Recycling
EngAbstract There are three main goals of this project: (A) Studying the potential “reuse and recycling renewable resources items” in order to support EPA to promote resources reuse and recycling and to strengthen the recycling markets; (B) Proposing relating regulatory requirements and national standards;(C) Providing consulting service to recycling business in technology improvement and market promotion. In goal (A), this project makes progress in two aspects:1. completing the regulatory proposal for ten “reuse and recycling renewable resources items;” these ten items are: wood pallets, plastic pallets, metal pallets, paper pallets, electric cord and cable reels, bulk bags, fertilizer bags, activated charcoal, metal buckets bigger than 50 gallons(including) for industrial uses, and plastic buckets bigger than 50 gallons(including) for industrial uses; 2. organizing the public discussion meeting of the regulatory proposal of these ten “reuse and recycling renewable resources items” on May 29, 2007.In goal (B), this project achieves the following results.1. This project analyzes the current national standards and finds that there are 2173 items meet the definitions of recycling product。 We also make some suggestions for EPA:a. If a new recycling standard is issued by developed countries, such as U.S., Japan, or European countries, and the product is successfully sold in the market without safety concerns, we suggest to introduce such standard into Taiwan in order to reduce the gaps between Taiwan and the global recycling markets.b. We suggest to establish more national standards in the areas of construction materials in order to meet the international trends in “green construction.”c. Because the current green labeling issuing by governments is still lack of the basis of mother laws, we suggest to establish a new law in this direction to provide strongerlegal supports in promoting recycling products. d. We suggest to provide clear requirements and labeling for recycling products, so the public can easily distinguish whether a product is “environment-friendly,“ and it will help to promote the image of those companies producing recycling products. 2. Based on the requirements of Japan national standard JIS A 5741:2006 Wood-plastic recycled composite, we also introduce a similar draft proposal of wood-plastic recycled composite for Taiwan’s national standard.In goal (C), this project not only provides consulting service to recycling and manufacturing companies but also completes a operation procedures for company consulting. In addition, this project also organizes 4 conferences for recycling related companies in legal requirement consulting and inter-net reporting system consulting.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 饒河管理顧問有限公司