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Title 垃圾掩埋場總體檢委託專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為調查全國現有的垃圾掩埋場,瞭解目前使用現況及復育後的成效與否,因此針對自西元1985年後所設立的垃圾掩埋場全面展開總體檢,藉由體檢作業之執行,瞭解可能缺失,以供作建立垃圾掩埋場完善營運與管理之依據。主要工作包括垃圾掩埋場基本資料蒐集建置、營運管理現況體檢作業、蒐集垃圾處理計畫及研擬設施政策,以及相關工作會議召開等工作。 在基本資料蒐集建置工作方面,所蒐集建檔之全國掩埋場基本資料計有537座,並完成系統資料庫開發。 在掩埋場營運管理現況體檢工作方面,包括完成專業技師體檢營運中掩埋場計145座,其中邀請專家學者會同辦理體檢工作計60人次(30座),並針對缺失提出改善建議;完成上、下游地下水監測井採樣檢測計100場次;完成體檢作業影像紀錄光碟50片。 在蒐集垃圾處理計畫及研擬設施政策工作方面,包括蒐集歷年垃圾處理計畫內容及執行成果,並研析各地方未來十年最適化垃圾處理方式。 在相關工作會議召開工作方面,包括辦理1場前置作業說明會議及北、中、南、東4場成果諮詢說明會議,每場出席人數皆達80人以上。
EngTitle Grand inspection of nationwide landfill sites
EngAbstract This project inspected presently existing landfill sites throughout the nation to understand the condition of utilization and remediation. A grand inspection of landfill sites constructed since 1985 was carried out to discover any possible deficiency for future operation and management reference. Scope of work included the collection of basic data and current operation and management condition, waste treatment plans from all landfill sites for policy planning and relevant meetings. Regarding basic data collection, a total of 537 landfill sites data has been established and a system databank was built. Regarding landfill sites operation and management inspection, a total of 145 landfill sites has been inspected by professional engineers. A total of 60 professionals were invited to participate in the inspection of 30 landfill sites and gave comments to improve deficiency. A total of 100 groundwater monitoring wells has been sampled for analysis. Photos of the grand inspection were recorded into 50 CDs. Regarding collection of waste treatment plans and policy planning, the project collected past years waste treatment plans and implementation results for analysis of past 10 years best waste treatment methodologies at different sites. Regarding relevant meetings, the project completed 1 pre-investigation workshop meeting and 4 investigation results consultation workshop meetings respectively at the north, the central, the south and the east with at least 80 persons attended at each meeting.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 惠元環境資源股份有限公司