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Title 「應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢塑膠容器類)」專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)執行本計畫廢塑膠容器類稽核認證工作,針對民國95 年4 月至96 年3 月期間之17 家受補貼機構進行廢塑膠容器類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,共計稽核認證廢塑膠總回收量173,658,676 公斤,處理量171,693,322 公斤;不符合品管作業規定遭扣量為1,910,017 公斤,防止溢領補貼費用達新台幣11,074,775 元,對於健全資源回收體系有正面的意義。本公司於95 年4 月至96 年3 月間,共執行會計稽核213 次、環安衛稽核204 次、作業程序稽核2,524 次、CCTV 監視系統查核時數63,823 小時,其中,稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計55 件,主要異常為雜質或認證物品異常與不良現象。此外,為瞭解廢塑膠容器類上游商品製造業者繳費之容器數量與下游受補貼機構回收廢容器數量之關係,配合環保署要求,分二次完成18 顆PVC 瓶磚之逐一檢視及廠牌分類計畫;另為瞭解受補貼機構再生料再利用情形及衍生廢棄物妥善處置,本公司完成衍生物流向追蹤查核59 場次,查核結果正常。為了因應相關法令要求並將不合現況之規範予以修正,本公司提供環保署執行稽核認證作業改善方向及具體建議,作為相關法規及手冊修訂之參考,並於96 年4 月1 日順利公告修正之作業手冊,以提昇稽核認證執行效率及品質。最後,本公司分別針對受補貼機構管理問題及資源回收體系現況分別予以說明及提供建議事項,作為環保署日後修正及研擬相關政策及法規之參考。例如針對PVC 再生料銷售通路、回收業者登記、公告或新引進之材質無法有效處理、及受補貼機構環安衛問題等4 方面提出建議,再者針對廢標籤再利用管理、CCTV 設備維護、廢塑膠容器受補貼機構產業特性問題等3 方面說明現況,詳細內容見本文。以上有關受補貼機構現場管理問題及資源回收體系現況,本公司將以稽核認證團體角度於環保署監督之下,持續觀察及追蹤現有問題及改善措施 ,隨時提供環保署最新資訊,共同提升資源回收體系品質。
EngTitle The Third-party Inspection and Certification on Waste Plastic Conatiners
EngAbstract Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated“Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on Article 18,paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committeeis in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certificationgroup to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV)was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing andCertification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Plastic Containers”, from April 01, 2006to March 31, 2007. Seventeen subsidized organizations were audited and certificatedduring this period. The collected and treated amounts of Waste Plastic Containerswere 173,658,676 kilograms and 171,693,322 kilograms, respectively. TUV auditingand certification team found 1,910,017 kilograms of impurity and prevented to oversubsidy of 11,074,775 NT dollars from Management Committee’s issuance tosubsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certificationsystem.TUV executed 213 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 204 times ofenvironment-safety-health audit, 2,524 times of facility check, 63,823 hours of CCTVmonitoring check in the project. The total results of major deviation and abnormalevents found through regular/irregular inspections and audits were 55, mainly including impurity of incoming shipments, as well as abnormal certified quantity. For betterunderstanding and management on the type of PVC plastic containers, TUV hadaccomplished a special program by providing the service on “bottle-to-bottle countinginspection” for EPA on 2 times of 2006. To enhance the control mechanism andassure the proper treatment/disposal on wastes, TUV had accomplished 59 times ofoutside inspection program of “Derivative wastes tracking”.In accordance with the current situation and problems found, TUV had not onlyprovided concrete solutions for improvement, but also proposed several programs andrecommendations for enhancing the auditing and certification efficiency and modify“The Operational Manual”, which was announced on April 1, 2007.Last, TUV provides several recommendations based on the management experienceon recycling plants and current situation of recycling system. Recommendationsinclude PVC derivatives down stream market analysis, collector registration, treatmentproblem in new announced obliged materials and environmental/health/safety issues.Those recommendations can, in the future, help EPA to come up with concrete policiesand regulation revisions. More, TUV also focuses on recycling analysis of PVC label,CCTV maintenances, business feature studying of plastic container recycling plant anddeveloped solid solutions. Details please refer to the following chapters.TUV has been continuously providing the latest information of recycling systemand current status of each recycling plant. In order to increase the operation quality ofrecycling system, as a qualified certification body under EPA’s supervision, TUV willfollow up the existing problems and improvement actions and feedback the instantoperation results to EPA.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司