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Title 都會區移動污染源排放空氣污染物減量行動計畫推動
Abstract 以相較於95年2000萬汽機車數,設定105年減少700萬,研擬「都會區移動污染源排放空氣污染物減量行動計畫」交通管理措施執行方案,進行空氣污染物減量、空氣品質改善、健康風險降低等效益評估,執行最佳減量方案後105年PM10、SOx、NOx、NMHC、CO排放量較95年,減少19%、75%、27%、59%、18%。長期而言,北部空品區空氣品質O3事件日濃度影響為例,尖峰濃度可改善2.0-8.5 ppb,高O3污染(>120 ppb)暴露量改善效益百分比26-32%; PM10事件日濃度影響為例,長期日平均PM10濃度整體改善約3.0-6.3 μg/m3,整個空品區的高污染(>125μg/m3)空間暴露量則是約30%。在健康風險的評估部分,針對惡化日時可減少的人口損失評估其薪資損失分析,整體效益約在4億至14億間。研擬策略推動機制流程,經費來源規劃立法階段以中央預算編列,執行階段由空污費、牌照稅、能源稅抽取固定比率。制訂管制考核方式,以提昇公共運輸使用率、降低私人運具行駛里程為策略目標;以大眾運輸運量/人口數、大眾運輸車里程及乘載率(乘載人數)及車輛數、延車公里為績效評估指標。協助環保署召集相關部會召開一場專家學者座談,及兩場跨部會諮商會議,以利推動各項移動源管制措施規劃及完成「環境與交通運輸管理」推動方案報告。協助環保署辦理兩場相關執行工作成果發表會及「環境與交通運輸管理」論壇,擴大執行成果之宣導成效。
EngTitle Promotion of Action Plan of Mobil Source Pollution Reducing in Urban Area
EngAbstract Compared with the number of vehicle in year 2006 (20 millions), decrease 7 millions in year 2016. Total emission for PM10、SOx、NOx、NMHC、CO will decrease 19%、75%、27%、59%、18%. Air quanlity of peak concentration of O3 in the noth air base will be impproved 2.0-8.5 ppb by those strategies, peak concentration of PM10 will be impproved 3.0-6.3 μg/m3 . According to the health impact assessment based on the emission reduction during episode, the salary loose could be saved about 4~14 hundred million.At the legislative process, the administrative expenditure is recommended from Central Government Budget. During execution period, the expenditure could come from Air Pollution Fee, Car License Fee, and Energy tax. The strategies for the object are increasing the use of mass transportation system, and reduce the use of personal vehicles. The index to evaluate the achievement could be the service volume of mass transportation per population, the total running mileage, occupancy ,running vehicles or passenger mileage for mass transportation.Assist call the experts and inter-ministries meetings to finish the report “Environment and Transport Management”. Assist to convene 2 “Execution Achievement Work-shop” and 1 “Environment and Transport Management Forum” to expand the understanding of the public.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程股份有限公司