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Title 機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與數據連線系統整合專案計畫
Abstract 行政院環保署為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成之問題,於八十五年度起由空氣污染防制費中一部份經費用來推動「機車排氣定期檢驗制度」。自八十七年元月起全面實施機車排氣定檢制度,經過九年來的努力,目前機車排氣定檢業務已上軌道。至94年檢驗站數也高達2,086站,年檢驗車輛6,063,320輛次,年補助排氣檢驗費用近5億元。為有效協助、輔導及管理全國眾多機車檢驗站,以提高檢測品質;及為有效應用空污費,規劃建立未來實施定檢收費制度所需的相關配套措施,特執行本計畫,執行成果分別:(一)機車排氣檢驗站查核與管理:完成100家現場查核,及以實車查核方式查核50家檢驗站,辦理六班次對列管檢驗站檢測人員講習,環保局處分違規檢驗站計21站。協助完成戶外機車定檢服務活動注意事項及相關申請表格。推動檢驗站分級作業,完成擬定檢驗站分級配分表(草案)。(二)機車排氣檢驗站檢測數量審核與經費核撥:檢測數量申請補助計5,648,660輛次,審核通過計5,528,072輛次,刪除134,105輛次,核撥補助經費484,321,200元,節省10,728,400元公帑。(三)機車排氣定期檢驗及監理資料庫資訊維護、管理與整合:篩選機車車籍資料12,925,180輛,提供各環保局郵寄定檢通知,實際郵寄通知計9,595,487輛,節省公帑4,497,950元。(四)規劃及推動機車定檢數據即時連線系統整合相關配套措施:完成每日檢驗資料檔上傳環保局及資料處理中心之接收即時處理系統;完成定檢資料即時傳輸功能更新;完成未到檢機車禁止換發行照及解除禁止換發行照處分之處理系統。(五)完成各縣市機車移動污染源管制計畫工作執行績效考評工作及移動污染源空氣污染改善滿意度調查。(六)機車排氣定期檢驗執行成本效益評估及定檢污染減量成果統計分析:完成分析機車排氣定期檢驗污染減量成效,完成機車排氣定檢不合格改善成本分析,完成使用中機車污染管制成本效益評估,完成機車排氣定檢污染改善效益評估,完成94年機車年行駛里程探討,完成機車定期保養對空氣污染物排放減量成效分析,完成機車等停熄火對空氣污染排放之影響研究。分析定檢數據提供高污染車種供環保署、環保局及機車廠,進行後續追蹤及分析。完成使用中機車污染管制建言,能對未到檢的車輛強制到檢,以提高整體的機車污染管制率。
EngTitle The Project for the Quality Management and Data Link System Integration of Motorcycle Exhausted Emission Inspection Station
EngAbstract In order to improve the air pollution problem caused by motorcycle exhausted Emission, EPA has used part of air pollution control fund to promote “The Regular Inspection System of Motorcycle Exhausted Emission” since 1996. The System has been implemented fully since 1998. At present, the inspection task of Exhausted Emission has worked in order after nine-year endeavor. By 2005 ,the number of inspection stations have been up to 2,086, and 6,063,320 motorcycles-times are inspected every year. About 500 million dollars are subsidized for the Exhausted Emission inspection every year. This project is implemented to assist, coach and manage the numerous motorcycle inspection stations in the whole country effectively, to raise the inspection quality, and in order to utilize the air pollution control fee effectively, to plan and create the relevant supplementary measures required for the implementation of regular inspection fee collection system in the future. The implementation achievement is summarized as follows:(1)The audit and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection station: The field audit has been completed for 100 stations, and the vehicle-carrier audit has been completed for 50 stations. Six classes of lecture and study have been held for the inspecting personnel of guided inspection stations. 21 violated stations have been punished by the Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB). Assist to finish the cautions of outdoor motorcycle exhausted emission inspection service activities and relevant application form definitely. Promote the classification operation of inspection stations,and finish the scoring list for the classification of inspection stations (draft).(2)The application inspected number verify and fund subsidization of inspection stations: The application inspected number for fund subsidization were 5,648,660 cases, 5,528,072 cases were approved, and 134,105 cases were deleted. NT$484,321,200 were subsidized, and NT$10,728,400 were scanted.(3)The data maintenance, management and integration for regular exhausted emission inspection and monitor information database of motorcycle: Screen 12,925,180 vehicle informations of motorcycle. Offer the informations to EPB for mailing the regular inspection notice. 9,595,487 notices were mailed actually, and NT$4,497,950 were scanted.(4) Plan and promote the relevant supplementary measures for the integration of real time link system of motorcycle regular inspection data: Finish the transmission of daily inspection data to the EPB and the real time processing system data processing system. Finish the update for real time transmission function of regular inspection data. Finish the processing system for forbidding the license replacement of un-inspected motorcycle and removing the forbiddance of pass-inspection.(5) Finish the achievement review work of motorcycle moving pollution source control project and the satisfaction investigation of moving pollution source air pollution improvement in every County and City.(6)The cost-effective evaluation for the implementation of motorcycle exhausted emission regular inspection and the statistical analysis for the achievement of pollution reduction: Finish the analysis for the achievement of motorcycle exhausted emission regular inspection pollution reduction. Finish the cost analysis for the improvement of regular inspection rejected motorcycles. Finish cost-effective evaluation for the pollution control of using motorcycle. Finish the cost-effective evaluation for the pollution improvement of motorcycle exhausted emission regular inspection. Finish the review of annual driving mileage of motorcycle in 2005. Finish the efficacy analysis for the periodic maintenance of motorcycle on the reduction of air pollutants. Finish the study for the influence of idling-stop of motorcycle on air pollution. Analyze the regular inspection data and provide the high pollution vehicles to EPA, EPB and motorcycle factory for carrying on follow-up tracing and analysis. Finish the recommendation for the pollution control of using motorcycle. Enforce the inspection of un-inspected motorcycle, so as to raise the whole motorcycle pollution control rate.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院 機械與系統研究所