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Title 固定污染源空氣污染防制費查核、分析暨連續自動監測設施查核比對計畫
Abstract 為實現「污染者付費」之社會正義原則以及「空氣污染防制法」的立法精神,並且以經濟誘因方式,促使公私場所主動減少污染排放量,進而達到改善空氣品質之目標,行政院環境保護署自八十四年七月一日起開始徵收空氣污染防制費。環保署經檢討空污費徵收與審查架構後,將審查管制流程區分為「建檔篩選」、以及「複審查核」等兩大段落之工作,本計畫即屬後者。在書面複審部分,共完成831件審查(包含CEMS部分80家),符合合約規定之工作量780件要求;現場查核部分,共完成385件(包含CEMS部分之81家)之現場查核工作,亦符合合約規定之工作量380件要求。目前在完成審查之公私場所中,總申報金額為11,137,845仟元,其核定金額為1,153,421仟元,應補繳金額為15,576仟元。在煙道抽測成果與檢測數據結果方面,共完成20家煙道檢測作業,由本次抽測結果可知大部分工廠檢測等級皆為A級之水準;本計畫追蹤去年(94年)計畫執行煙道抽測之工廠,其自行定期檢測仍維持A級之水準,僅有5家廠檢測數據等級不為A級,針對此工廠應於未來再進行輔導;在比對去年(94年)計畫執行監督檢測之檢測報告,可知其中僅有1家並未與本計畫之監督結果相符,本計畫仍依據監督查核結果進行核算空污費。在相對準確度(RATA)煙道抽測與監督檢測方面,共完成20家RATA煙道抽測與60家RATA監督檢測,其中1家公司硫氧化物排放量需乘以偏移校正因子,氮氧化物應改採公告係數計算排放量。另外排放量須乘以偏移校正因子之公私場所共有27家。本年度執行CEMS書面審查與現場查核工作部分,共完成83家書面審查與81家現場查核,發現之問題包括「排放量數據計算不符合法規規定」、「鍋爐起爐燃燒之污染量未列入計算」、「申報數據與月報數據不符合」、「氮氧化物監測數據不含二氧化氮濃度」及「監測數據無法落於全幅20-80%範圍內」等。在「分析國外空氣污染防制費申報、查核作業系統」方面,本計畫針對美國聯邦政府及部份已建立完整收費架構之州及地方政府,摘要解析排放收費制度相關內容,本報告除收錄美國空氣污染排放費相關規定外,另收集歐洲及大陸地區之相關資訊,以供台灣地區研修空氣污染防制費制度之參考。在研修固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收審查制度方面,本計畫針對空污費收費辦法進行修訂,主要係針對近年執行空氣污染防制費申報審查、核定及通知業務過程中,發現部分申報、審查作業,業者仍有認知差異,故擬透過修法,俾使法規更完備明確,也利於業者遵行。而對於CEMS管理辦法研修時之建議,則包含明定RATA檢測程序與比對方式、明定排放流率小數點位數取捨、明定排放流率計算方式。本年度尚針對縣市環保局辦理空氣污染防制費申報書面及現場查核作業技術轉移、配合空污費費基之改變及揮發性有機物之收費,辦理固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報計費及自廠係數建立說明會、以及協辦全國固定污染源管制業務檢討會等。
EngTitle Examination and Analysis of Declaration in Air Pollution Control Fee of Stationary Pollutant Sources and Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Audit
EngAbstract In order to realize "the pollution to pay fee" the social just principle, and by the economical inducement, urges the public and private place initiative reduction pollution emission, then achieved objective of the improvement air quality. The environmental protection administration starts to levy the air pollution fee on July 1 1995.In the written reexamination part, had completed 831 examinations; In the scene checks part, had completed 385 scenes to check the work, both of them had conformed to contract work load. At the unexceptional case to be more paid 15 million 576 thousand dollars.In the pipe detection part, had completed 20 detection; The exhaust gas data quality had become A degree.Samples in the relative accuracy (RATA) flue with the surveillance to examine the aspect, altogether completes 20 RATA flues to sample and 60 RATA surveillance to examine, 1 company the nitrogen oxide compound should change the announcement coefficient computation. Moreover there are 27 company must be multiplied by the bias adjustment factor.At work in coordination with CEMS’s plan, find some problems in CEMS. Just like “The data computation not to conform to the laws”; “The boiler gets up contamination of the burning not to include the computation”; ”The declaration data and the monthly report data does not conform to” ; ”The monitor data is unable including the dioxide nitrogen concentration”.The research of the air pollution fee system, air pollution fee law had correct the rules of examination, the checking . So that the laws and regulations were more complete are clear about, also favored the entrepreneur to follow.This project had trained the scene checks and a review conference for the county environment protection bureau. Furthermore, convened conferences to explain the air fee laws changed, and one conference to critique the national stationary sources control works.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司