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Title 大甲溪河床裸露地揚塵防制計畫
Abstract 「大甲溪河床裸露地揚塵防制計畫」主要是針對大甲溪流域具有揚塵逸散之河床裸露地進行稻草蓆覆蓋及植生綠覆蓋等防制之工作;對於大甲溪裸露河床污染防制,蒐集並且建立完整的歷年資料。此外針對覆蓋防制工作評估對於裸露河床覆蓋之成效。本計畫執行期間自95年12月18日簽約日起至97年3月17日止,本工作團隊已掌握大甲溪流域境內具揚塵之虞共計33處,包括河川工程15處,其中已完工之工程計14處,而目前仍持續進行作業之工程為1處;河床裸露地18處(包括預計或已施作地點8處),針對大甲溪流域具揚塵之虞及揚塵防制作業預計施作地點或已施作地點,工作團隊每月至少需巡查20處次。於計畫執行期間進行稽巡查工作時,確實紀錄具有揚塵之虞地點周邊環境影響情況及揚塵防制作業施作後續維護之情況,並加以拍照及攝影存查;已計完成248處次的稽巡查作業。TSP檢測作業共計完成144點次之監測。大甲溪流域揚塵來源依其上、中、下游各別區段詳述之,則上中游區段方面,主要是以河川防洪工程、疏濬工程及道路修復工程為主要揚塵之來源;中下游區段部方面,主要是位於豐原市與神岡鄉之所屬區域豐洲堤防防汛道路一帶,砂石車所引起之車行揚塵問題尚為嚴重;下游區段主要來源,為出海口附近之河床高灘裸露地,及暫租農地休耕期間之揚塵污染。每到東北季風來臨時,強風挾帶著裸露地面之揚塵四逸飄散,不僅造成臺中縣空氣品質不良,更已嚴重影響沿岸居民之生活品質及健康狀況。環保局有鑑於其影響甚鉅,並研擬「大甲溪河床裸露地揚塵防制」方案,希冀透過有效的揚塵防制工法,降低因河床裸露地揚塵對環境生態的不良衝擊,因此,邀集學生團體及環保志工隊,分別於96年10月20日,在后豐橋旁300公尺處完成12公頃稻草蓆覆蓋防制作業;及96年5月26日、9月29日、12月15日,在神岡鄉豐洲堤防尾(國道四號旁)、豐原市后豐橋旁、豐原市后豐橋200公尺等3處,共計8公頃河床裸露地進行植生綠覆蓋施作。本計畫中稻草蓆覆蓋河床高灘裸露之地表,可減少因稻草焚燒所產生之空氣污染;施作12公頃約可減少CO2排放量達90,192噸。(以每平方公尺鋪設500g重之稻草蓆來計算,每公頃可減少之CO2排放量約7,516公噸。),TSP削減量則為49.68公噸/年。(環保署研究報告所示:一般裸露地TSP減量係數為0.345公噸/公頃);在植生綠覆蓋減量成效,TSP排放減量為49.344公噸/年。(環保署研究報告:一般裸露地TSP減量係數為0.514公噸/公頃)另外,於96年12月24日辦理1場次「臺中縣河川及其工程之裸露地表揚塵管制研商會」,會中邀請河川工程施工單位及目的事業主管機關等單位共同商討,徹底防制及改善因河川及其工程之裸露地表所引起的揚塵問題,造成周圍環境之負面衝擊,並且納入年度維護管理,並建請針對污染行為撰寫污染防制計畫書,以提供環保局查核及評估分析防制效益。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間,協助臺中縣環境保護局主動發布管制現況新聞稿計16則;刊登於各大報之新聞剪報計10則共計26則。希透過各式新聞媒體的宣導作業,以讓民眾了解河川揚塵污染的管制相關成果,並讓相關主管機關更加了解河川流域防制之重要性及其有關規範。
EngTitle The Tachiaxi Exposed River Bed Wind-Boren Dust Prevention Project
EngAbstract The Tachiaxi Exposed River Bed Wind-Boren Dust Prevention Project” is first to implement a series of preventive measures such as straw mat and green plant coverings in the exposed rived beds with wind borne dust problems within the Tachiaxi Basin. The second part of the project is to collect and to build a complete database on the previous prevention measures implemented. The third part of the project is to assess the effectiveness of the preventive coverings on the exposed river beds from this project.The project execution period, began from December 18, 2006, which was the contract initiation date, and ended on March 17, 2008. The project team had covered 33 locations with potential wind-borne dust pollution problems, including 15 river-engineering locations, which encompassed 14 completed locations and 1 construction on-going locations, 18 exposed rived bed locations (including 8 planned or completed locations). For locations with potential wind-borne dust pollution problems or planned locations or preventive covering completed locations, the team had to inspect each locations 20 times per month to document, photograph, and video for future references. A total of 248 inspections were completed. Another total of 144 TSP point were completed. The origins of wind-borne dust in Tachiaxi Basin came from all sections of the river. The flood control locations, the river dredge and channel locations, and road repair construction locations were the sources of the wind-borne dust in the upper and middle section of the river. The large construction vehicles on the regional Fengchu embankment flood prevention road between Fengyuan City and Shengan Village were responsible for the wind-borne dust problems in the middle and lower section of the river. The exposed river bed around the estuary and the fallow period of the surrounding farmland were responsible for the wind-borne dust problems in the downstream section of the Tachiaxi. The strong wind, accompanying the northeast monsoon season, carried dust from the exposed river basin, not only worsen the air quality in Taichung County, but also severely affect the quality of life and the health situations of the residents within the area. The Taichung County Environmental Protection Agency had drawn “The Tachiaxi Exposed Rived Bed Wind-Borne Dust Prevention Plan”, in the hope, that through effective preventive measures, adverse effects from the wind-borne dust on the environment can be reduced. Therefore, student groups and environmental volunteers were invited to join forces and completed the covering of the 12 acres of exposed river bed, located 300 meters from the Hofeng Bridge, with straw mat October 20, 2007. And, on May 26, 2007, September 29, 2007, and December 15, 2007, perspectively, in the tail part of Fengchu embankment flood prevention road in Shengan Village (close to the Federal Highway Four), right next to and 200 meters of the Hofeng Bridge, green plant coverings were used to cover a total of 8 acres of exposed river bed in these 3 locations.By covering the exposed river beds with straw mats, this project can reduce the air pollution caused by the burning of such material, therefore an estimated CO2 emission of 90,192 metric ton can be reduced by the covering the 12 acres of exposed river beds mentioned in this project (every m2 requires 500g of straw mat, therefore 1 acre can reduce CO2 emission o by 7,516 metric ton). TSP reduction equals to 49.68 metric ton per year (According to study conducted by the Environmental Protection Bureau, average exposed land has a TSP reduction coefficient of 0.345 metric ton/ acre). The green plant coverings has a TSP reduction equals to 49.344 metric ton per year (According to study conducted by the Environmental Protection Bureau, average exposed land has a TSP reduction coefficient of 0.514 metric ton/ acre). Moreover, ”Conference on Wind Borne Dust Control within Taichung County Rivers and its Exposed River Beds related to River Engineering Construction Locations” were held on December 24, 2007. Contractors responsible for river runway construction locations and related authority organizations were invited to discuss how to improve and prevent wind-borne dust problems and harmful environmental effects related to rivers and river engineering or construction locations. Inclusions of environmental preventative measures related to the above issue in the annual maintenance management were also discussed. Pollution prevention plan were also recommended so Environmental Agency can check and assess the effectiveness of such preventive measures. During the duration of this project, had voluntarily assisted the Taichung County Environmental Agency to issue 16 river runway dust control news releases, resulting in 10 news reports in major newspapers, which totaled 26 coverage. Hopefully, the coverage of wind-borne dust control in the exposed river runway will result in the public’s better understanding of the efforts and the achievement in this area. Also, all the related authority agencies, through media, can understand more about the importance and related rules to the above pollution control.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 康維環保顧問有限公司