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Title 95年資源回收宣導活動專案工作計畫
Abstract 為有效減少垃圾量,增加資源再利用比例,本專案計畫主要為協助環保署資源回收基管會,以環保署公告應回收項目為主軸,藉由媒體的高曝光率及兼顧創意性與活潑性的宣導活動,加深民眾對於資源回收的印象,達到資源回收的成效,並強化資源回收之深度意涵,讓民眾能夠體認到為什麼要做回收,又該如何做回收,更進一步的內化到民眾的日常生活當中,成為民眾的生活習慣及意識,如此便能將資源回收觀念體現出來。資源回收宣導計畫方面,包含了電視、廣播、報紙、雜誌、網路廣告製作與露出,整體宣傳效益超過五千萬,網路遊戲贈獎活動的參與人數也將近三萬人,戶外rap show競賽,不僅報名踴躍、也有數以千計的民眾到場參與活動,另外,基管會的十年成果紀實,中英文簡介,也在層層把關的嚴謹審核下誕生,不過鉅細靡遺的說明了資源回收基管會成立十年來的所有工作成果,更代表了台灣在資源回收政策上的一大進步。有關辦理『九十五年度資源回收宣導專案活動計畫』相關工作方面,所有規劃項目都已執行完畢,經過評估之後,本次宣導活動具有相當成效,可作為未來宣導計畫之參考,除繼續宣導資源回收概念之外,終極目標是要讓全民體認【零垃圾、全資源】的概念,真正做到垃圾零廢棄,地球永續發展的目標。
EngTitle Publicity Project for-Imagination of Resources Recycling 2006
EngAbstract In order to reduce the amount of garbage and increase the percentage of resource reuse, this project aims at assisting Recycling Fund Management Board(RFMB), Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), focusing on recycling items that the EPA announces. This project intends to make a deep impression about recycling on the general public, achieve the expected results, and strengthen the profound meaning of recycling by a high exposure of media and creative and lively promotion activities. Therefore, the general public will realize the importance of why and how to recycle and internalize this concept in daily life. In this way, recycling will be a part of the general public’s habits and consciousness, and the concept of recycling will be realized.The recycling promotion project includes the exposure and production of media such as TV, broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, and internet advertisements. The total benefit is over fifty million dollars, and the number of the participants of the on-line game-free gift activity is over thirty thousand people. In addition, the outdoor rap show was well received with a lot of people sign up and thousands of people present themselves to join the activities. Besides, the Record of Ten-year Achievements of RFMB with introduction of both English and Chinese version is born after a conscientious examination. It not only illustrates every single fruitful result of RFMB since it was founded ten years ago, but also stands for a big step of recycling policy of Taiwan.As to conduct “2006 Recycling Promotion Project”, all the planned items have been completed. After evaluation, this promotion activity is regarded as a very successful task which can be served as a reference for future promotion projects. Apart from continuing to promote the concept of recycling, the ultimate goal is to make the general public realize the concept of “No Garbage, All Resource”; hence, the ideal of none discarded garbage can be put into practice, and the goal of earth sustainable development can be achieved.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台視文化事業股份有限公司