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Title 環境資源部相關機關重要業務回顧與展望
Abstract 行政院於93年9月15日確定成立「環境資源部」,以前瞻性、整體性的理念,透過環境組織再造、提高環保單位層級,進行環境保護事權一元化的領導,並結合社會資源,整合水、土、林、空氣等資源之利用、保育、防災及管理等工作。「環境資源部」之成立主要係整合我國相關環境資源,扮演環境保護政策指導與管理的角色,依據「環境資源部組織調整規劃報告(草案)」擬整併之機關為環保署、內政部(國家公園管理)、經濟部(水利、礦業、地質)、交通部(氣象、觀光)、農委會(農業用水、生物保育、水土保持、林務)之部分業務,其業務執掌範圍涵蓋空氣品質、水質保護、噪音管制、廢棄物、環境衛生與毒物、環境監測、水利、礦業、地質、地政、國土規劃、國家公園、國家風景區、氣象、林務、水土保持、生物保育及核能管制等18項。為因應環境資源部之成立,本計畫主要依據該規劃報告草案,進行整併部會辦公室空間與現有資源之調查、整合及評估,以及回顧與環境資源部有關之施政重點等,經由資料之彙整研析及相關會議之召開,進而加以規劃及研擬出未來環境資源部之施政主軸及職權分工等,以供主管機關之參採。
EngTitle The Retrospective and Prospective of The Environment Resources Department
EngAbstract On Sep 15th, 2004, the Executive Yuan decided to establish "The Environment Resources Department". The vision and ambition of the department is to build up and enhance the area of environmental protection through organization, leadership, and unification for the purpose of protecting the water, soil, forest, air, and other natural resources. "The Environment Resources Department" was established mainly for the integration of our national related environment resources, and for playing the role in directing environmental protection policy, as well as the management policy. It transfers the plans or drafts which were planned by the Environment Resources Department organization into different institutions, such as Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of The Interior (national parks management), Ministry of Economic Affairs (water resources, the mining industry, geology), Ministry of Transportation Communications (meteorology, sightseeing), Council Agriculture (agricultural water used, biological care, soil and water conservation, forestry) part service, its service wields the scope to cover air quality, water quality protection, noise control, reject, environmental sanitation and the poison, environmental monitoring, water resources, mining industry, geology, land administration, national territory plan, national parks, national scenic area, meteorology, forestry, soil and water conservation, biological care and nuclear power control and so, total 18 items. Due to the establishment of the Environment Resources Department, this project was mainly drawn up for investigation, combination, and valuation on those draft plan reports and current resources, as well as the review of administrative key points that the Environment Resources Department had contributed. After the process of organizing all the information and data, and having relative meetings, its purpose is to analyze as well as to plan out to future key points of the Environmental Resources Department, to authorize the division of labor, and some other relative aspects then to make the superior organizations have enough reference for final approval.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會