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Title 「事業廢棄物查核輔導及管理技術整合提昇」第1年專案工作計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫目標為執行1,000家事業及廢棄物再利用機構之廢棄物流向與營運管理之追蹤查核工作,並進行有關事業廢棄物管理相關法規、妥善清理技術、申報實務等宣導及輔導工作。蒐集及更新國內外有關事業廢棄物產出相關資料、產出因子推估及編纂行業或製程稽查技術參考手冊。蒐集調查各類現行使用之事業廢棄物稽查管理相關資源或資料庫特性及應用領域,評估參考使用價值,並規劃建置查詢索引系統及設計建置資源管理應用系統,以作為全國事業廢棄物稽查管制之整合應用。本計畫已完成1,000家事業及廢棄物再利用機構之廢棄物查核與輔導改善或追蹤及必要之採樣分析工作,並從查核行業別中,推估廢棄物的產出與原物料及產品的關係,進而推估其產出因子模式;亦完成10種行業類別之「事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊」編纂,同時將相關成果建置於事業廢棄物查核與輔導計畫專案管理系統,提供主管機關隨時下載使用。此外,為強化事業廢棄物稽查管理實務之應用性及便利稽查人員查詢稽查管理相關資訊,本計畫已建置一「事業廢棄物稽查管理資訊查詢索引系統」,將所蒐集之書面資料、網站資料,予以系統化分類,樹狀化結構設計,將相關分類資料藉由簡易文字說明,期盼能更有效協助相關稽查人員查詢相關資訊與參考使用。
EngTitle The Project of Providing Consultation with the Evaluation on Waste Management of Enterprise and Designing Integral Information System for the purpose of Upgrading Inspective technique on Waste Managem
EngAbstract This annual project attempts to inspect waste flow at 1000 enterprises and waste recycling centers, public education and consulting services with regard to the waste management act and the technology used to treat waste. Furthermore, national and international data was updated for waste-producing companies and factors affecting waste production were analyzed. Finally, reference material for inspection of industries and manufacturing processes was compiled. Current application of resources were analyzed a database for waste generated by enterprises. The value of utilizing the references was determined.An indexing and querying system combined with resource management is employed to achieve integrated administration of national regulations and company inspections and 1000 companies along with the consultation services were completed data was analyzed. Via an inspection of different industry categories, the relationship between waste production, raw materials, and the resulting products can be estimated, such that assessments based on model factors can be performed. The Reference Manual of Waste of Enterprises and Inspection Techniques for Manufacturing Process, which utilizes 10 industry categories, has been completed. Additionally, related achievements have also been filed in the project management inspection system to enable inspectors to download data at any time. Furthermore, an index and query system for management and inspection of enterprise waste has been established to enhance management and inspection of enterprise waste and facilitate searches for relevant information. The hardcopy data and website information has been classified systematically using a tree-structure information system that presents relevant information in the form of simple language so inspectors can easily search for related information and references.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院、中興工程顧問股份有限公司、財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會、台灣產業服務基金會