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Title 廢乾電池之危害性管制及提昇回收處理成效規劃及驗證
Abstract 本研究之主要目的在於研修我國廢乾電池處理廠之設施規範以及研擬提昇廢乾電池回收成效之策略。首先,為避免廢乾電池處理不當,導致國內嚴重的環境污染問題,在處理廠設施規範的研修上,其關鍵因素在於有害重金屬的管制、整體金屬資源回收比率以及衍生廢棄物的處置方式。此外,本研究團隊亦蒐集OECD國家對於廢乾電池處理之設施規範及重金屬最終處理概況,俾供我國主管機關擬定相關政策之參考。另外,國內處理廠之回收處理成本調查為本研究的另一項重要工作項目;由於不同的廢乾電池處理技術,其處理成本自當有所差異,故本研究針對目前正申請處理許可的三家業者進行實際訪談與設計問卷的方式,以瞭解其成本結構。最後,本研究規劃廢乾電池短、中、長期回收策略,除要求業者參與回收處理外,最關鍵的仍是如何教育消費者積極參與廢乾電池之回收工作,以提昇回收率。
EngTitle Waste Battery Recycling Project - Toxic Heavy Metal Management and Effective Promotion Strategies
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to review the toxic heavy metal management and effective promotional strategies in Taiwan. First of all, the law and government regulations regarding the setting up of factories that deal with waste batteries should be reviewed. There are three key issues: (i) the toxic heavy metal management regulations; (ii) the manner of disposing of residual waste; and (iii) the treatment of and management regulations governing dioxins. The present project in addition seeks to inspect the specific standards for recycling waste batteries and the recovery of materials in some major OECD countries. The cost of dealing with waste battery recycling is another research target, because different treatments involve different cost structures. Finally, the present project has worked on the establishment of basic and effective strategies for promoting waste battery recycling in Taiwan. The management target for such effective strategies has been focused on production, sales and import business, as well as on the domestic household sector.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 中華經濟研究院