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Title 環境資料庫資料交換及供應作業專案計畫(94年度)
Abstract 環境資料庫資料交換及供應作業專案計畫主要由三大項工作組成,分別為『環保署環境資料庫持續整合規劃及建置作業』、『詮釋資料資訊系統相關維護及協助資料建置作業』、『人力派駐作業』、以及『開發匯入新的資料庫系統之資料內容』等工作,專案重點摘要如下:(一)環保署環境資料庫持續整合規劃及建置作業l 整合性環境資料交換系統之維護l 三版之環境資料供應系統之維護l 持續進行本署及其他機關之環境資料庫匯入、整合及品保l 資料品質控管管理資訊系統維護本計畫展延期間,持續匯入91年度~93年度已建置之環境資料庫,截至94.03.15止,環境資料庫共約有1040萬筆資料匯入,與93年度期末報告中所列出之980萬筆資料相比,不含更新的資料,已新增約60萬筆資料。(二)詮釋資料資訊系統相關維護及協助資料建置作業1.詮釋資料資訊系統及資料庫維護作業2.詮釋資料以及相關檔案轉換以及匯入作業(三)人力派駐作業1.派駐二位資訊專業人員於監資處協助處理資料庫建置之相關作業環境資料的整合為一項長遠的建置工作,需有更穩定的機制予以持續維護及建置。建議未來系統應加強決策支援應用並結合GIS或環境模式等工具,強化系統功能。
EngTitle The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project in 2005
EngAbstract The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project consists 3 major tasks in this period, namely “the EPA environmental information system integration planning and building operation”, “the Environmental Information Resource management system maintenance and building operation”, and “manpower supply operation”. The project’s key achievements are summarized below:(1) The edition of environmental information search system (for the publics, the EPBs and the EPA internal system) has been maintained. The environmental information system continues to integrate the data, which are built in other departments. In the other hand, the EPA environmental data integrated system and data quality control system have been maintained. At the end of March 2005, the environmental information system contains a total of 10.4 million sets of information data in comparison to the 9.8 million sets build in the end of October 2004. If updates of information are excluded, the newly added information is about 0.6 million sets.(2) The Environmental Information Management System has been maintained. New data sets or files have appended and provide to the audience.(3) Two computer engineers were stationed at EPA under supervision by the Monitoring and Information Bureau to assist the program design and data transfer operation. The environmental information integration operation is a long-term operation that needs a stable mechanism for its maintenance and growth. Upon the achievement of the information integration to certain degree, further strategic planning and follow-up operation are necessary to lead the information into our daily life for its utmost utilization. Therefore, it is suggested that GIS or environmental modeling tool can be further integrated into the application system.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人 中技社