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Title 溫室氣體管制之整體因應策略
Abstract 近年來,全球暖化的問題備受各界注意,在1992年12月於日本京都簽訂議定書之後,確立各界對溫室氣體過量排放所可能引發的氣候變遷,而我國為因應京都議定書之簽訂,行政院針對各部會重新檢討或加強執行溫室氣體排放有關之政策,並於1998年5月26、27日舉行第一次之全國能源會議。京都議定書在2005年2月16日正式生效。 本計畫目標主要為我國在2005年6月21-22日舉辦第二次全國能源會議,以因應京都議定書生效之擬定溫室氣體相關策略,提供行政院環保署作為參考;此外,並召開溫室氣體減量及管制論壇,凝聚各界對於我國管制溫室氣體之共識,並提出我國環境保護機關對於溫室氣體管制及減量之因應對策。 本計畫即回顧我國過去之環保、能源、產業政策,對國外相關政策、達成減量進行蒐集歸納,並對87年全國能源會議作檢討,提出我國之七大問題,針對七項問題提出五項策略及八項行動方案,提供環保署作為施政之參考。 本計畫於南、北兩地產、官、學、研之專家學者參與召開三次之溫室氣體減量及管制論壇,獲得之結論建議包含溫室氣體減量之時程建議、環境影響評估之溫室氣體審查原則以及建議建立溫室氣體減量成效評量機制。
EngTitle The whole system approach to GHG control.
EngAbstract In recent years, global-warming has been caught attention by mankind fully. After signing the Kyoto protocol in December 1992, it established firmly a global agenda to deal with the excessive climate change by greenhouse gas (GHG). To be in conformity with the Kyoto Protocol, the Executive Yuan carries out plans and programs to strengthen related administrative policies. The first national energy conference was held on the 26, 27th of May, 1998. The Kyoto Protocol comes into force formally on February 16, 2005.The main goal of this project is to provide assistance to the EPA by drafting responsive strategies of the GHG to the second national energy conference on the 21st - the 22nd of June, 2005. Policy direction of the environmental protection administration was studied and evaluated. In addition, forums were hold on discussion about the reduction and control the greenhouse gas in order to reach the common understanding of the issue.This project reviews national policies of environmental protection, energy, and industry in the past, collects relevant policies in foreign countries, decrement of reaching, and makes a self-criticism to the first national energy conference of 1998. Seven major problems and five strategies are concluded. We propose eight action plans to do and suggest the schedule of emission reduction, the GHG principle of EIA and the mechanism on performance evaluation of GHG reduction.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會