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Title 94年度民眾、學生環保知識調查報告
Abstract 為瞭解民眾及學生對環保知識、環保政策及教育宣導管道之認知,並蒐集其環保態度及行動等相關資訊,特別辦理本項調查,以作為規劃環保教育推廣之依據。本調查對象分成民眾及學生,調查範圍包含21縣市及台北市、高雄市。<br>重要發現描述如下:<br>一、資源回收與垃圾處理方面<br>(一)80%以上的民眾及學生知道「垃圾強制分類」的好處,而表示在家中或宿舍會(含一定會及經常會)做資源回收,以民眾的比例(91%)高於學生族群(約55%~65%之間)。<br>(二)正確處理使用過之廢乾電池或日光燈的民眾及學生皆達80%以上。<br>(三)外出購物時會自行攜帶購物袋的民眾比例達69%,高於學生族群(約40%~45%之間)。<br>(四)高達97%的學生知道資源回收的標誌。<br>二、水質保護及飲用水衛生方面<br>(一)民眾及大專生主要以不丟棄垃圾到河川裡的方式來配合河川整治,分別有80%及82%。<br>(二)民眾家中的淨水器(濾水器)一至三個月內會至少清洗維護一次的比例有45%。<br>三、空氣品質改善及噪音防制方面<br>(一)知道加油站油槍使用不當會造成空氣污染的民眾及學生約40%~50%之間。<br>(二)僅32%的民眾知道自7月1日起,針對水塔馬達、冷氣機等所產生的噪音未符合管制標準者,環保單位將處以罰鍰。<br>四、環境衛生及毒化物管理方面<br>(一)有90%以上的民眾及學生正確知道是白線斑蚊和埃及斑蚊會傳播登革熱。<br>(二)會主動清除積水容器以預防蚊蟲孳生的民眾為95%,高於學生族群(約70%~80%之間)。<br>五、空氣品質及紫外線預報方面<br>平常有收看或收聽空氣品質(PSI)及紫外線指數(UVI)預報的比例,以小學生為59%最高,當紫外線指數很高時出門會採取防曬措施的比例,以民眾為81%最高。<br>六、環保標章方面<br>在價格及品質功能相近的情況下,會優先購買具有「環保標章」產品的民眾及學生約80%~90%之間。<br>七、環保知識及行動方面<br>(一)民眾及學生獲得環保知識的資訊,主要來自電視,各約有87%以上。<br>(二)環保教育(營隊)活動型態中,民眾及大專生有30%以上較想參加「生態之旅」,而高中、國中及國小生較想參加「夏令營」,比例為35%~40%之間。<br>
EngTitle Report on the 2005 R.O.C. Environmental Protection Knowledge Survey
EngAbstract The objectives of this survey are to learn the knowledge level of adults and students about environmental protection and education channels, and the relationships between their environmental protection knowledge and practices.<br> The population and samples of this survey includes five segments: (1)20 years or older (1,637samples), (2)Universities students (1,208samples), (3)Senior high school students (1,286samples), (4)Junior high school students(1,343samples), (5)Primary school students, 4th to 6th graders(1,200samples).<br>I、Solid waste management and recycling<br>1. 91% of the adults always conducted recycling at home; with only 55% to 65% of the students did so.<br>2.Over 80% of the adults and students knew the correct way to recycle the battery and daylight lamp.<br>II、Water quality protection and drinking water safety45% of all households cleaned up their water purifier periodically every 3 months.<br>III、Air quality improvement and noise control<br>40%~50% of the adults and students knew that improper use of gasoline pump could cause air pollution.<br>IV、Environmental sanitation and toxic materials management<br>1.Over 90% of adults and students knew that the media of dengue fever were Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.<br>2.95% of the adults cleaned up water in containers actively to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes,70% to 80% of the students did so.<br>V、Air quality and ultra-violet ray forecast <br>1.The percentage of elementary school students who watched and listened to the air quality and ultra-violet ray forecast was higher than other groups.<br>2.When the UVI was very high, 81% of the adults would do something to prevent sunburns higher than other groups.<br>VI、The Green Mark <br>80% to 90% of the adults and students would prefer purchasing products with Green Mark logo.<br>VII、The environmental protection knowledge and actions<br>1.Over 87% of the adults and students learned the knowledge of the environmental protection mostly from TV.<br>2.Ecological tours
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 統計室
ExecutingOrg 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司