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Title 九十四年推動環境保護有功學校、教師及學生遴選表揚
Abstract 對於平日熱心推動環境保護事務,並有顯著績效之學校成員,予以公開表揚,藉以鼓勵各級學校落實校園環保工作及產生主動積極的環境維護行動,並提昇校園環境品質。工作內容如下:一、實地查訪91個熱心推動環境保護事務之學校、教師及學生其所 提環境保護工作項目執行情形。二、製作獲獎者事蹟實錄及光碟,提供各界參考學習。三、辦理頒獎典禮及晉見總統事宜,對於績效優良、表現卓越之學校、教師及學生予以公開表揚。
EngTitle FY94 outstanding performance of educational institutions, schoolteachers, and students for promoting environmental protection.
EngAbstract To reward the educational institutions, the schoolteachers, and the students who have excellent achievements in promoting environmental protection.Through public commending to encourage all levels of schools for practicing environment protecting works in schools,and inspiring active environment-protecting movements,meanwhile,increasing the quality of surroundings in schools.The work including:1.To investigate 91 warm-hearted units of the educational institutions, the schoolteachers,and the students that impetuse environmental protection business on-the-spot, and the situations about how they carry out the project of environmental protection work.2.To edit the factual records and the discs about the prize-winners for all walks of life to imitate.3.To handle an awarding ceremony and call on the president as an open praise to the educational institutions, the schoolteachers, and the students that perform remarkable and act outstanding.
ProjectYear 094
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