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Title 環境影響評估實務研習
Abstract 財團法人資源及環境保護服務基金會(以下簡稱資環基金會)接受行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)之委託,於今年8月在台北市舉行三天環境影響評估實務研習會。資環基金會與環保署研商後,決定於94年8月17日、22日及26日,在台北市國立台灣大學水工試驗所舉辦三天之94年度環境影響評估實務研習會。資環基金會於本年6月初向政府各機關、工程顧問公司、技師事務所以及企業單位發函徵詢對環評法令規範以及本年環評研習會之研習課程等意見。於7月參考各方諮詢意見及與環保署研商後,決定環評研習會之日期、六大單元研習課程與時數以及講座之聘定。8月17日之研習課程上午為環境影響評估程序及審查;下午為噪音調查及評估,各為三小時。8月22日之研習課程,上午為動、植物生態之環境評估;下午為土石挖填與水土流失防治及評估,各為三小時。8月26日之研習課程,上午為環評替代方案與生態補償;下午為公眾說明、溝通與協調,各為三小時。參加三天六單元環評實務研習者,有專業技師16人、公務機關環評工作人員107人、公民營企業與技師事務所、顧問公司環評工作者71人,並由資環基金會發給每人研習訓練證明書一紙。
EngTitle Special Project for a Workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment Practice
EngAbstract The Foundation on Resources and Environmental Protection Service (FREEPS) was entrusted by the Environmental Protection Adiministration (EPA) with a special project: “A-three-days Workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment Practice” (Workshops) which to be held at Taipei city.Time scheduals and title of lectures and the lecturers was decided after the consaultation between EPA and FREPS.The lectures of 17th Aug. were “Process and Evaluation of EIS” (AM) and “Noise Impact Assessment” (PM) with 3-hours respectively.The lectures of 22th Aug. were “Environmental Assessment of Animal and Plant Ecology”(AM) and “Environmental Assessment of Earth Moving and Loss Control of Soil and Water” (PM) with 3-hours respectively.The lectures of 26th Aug. were “Alternative Plans and Ecological Compensation of EIA” (AM) and “Public Hearing, communication and Coordination” (PM) with 3-hours respectively.The attendants of this Workshops include 16 professional engineers, 107 government officers, and 71 EIA staffs from enterprises and engineering consaulting firms. FREPS gave every attendant a certificate recorded the title and hours of lectures who participated.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人資源及環境保護服務基金會